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Vol 108, No 11 (2019)


United in science

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Научноконсультативная группа Саммита по изменению климата 2019 представила доклад United in Science, где собраны ключевые научные результаты новейших работ, выполненных основными организациями, ведущими исследования в области глобального изменения климата, включая Всемирную метеорологическую организацию (ВМО), Программу Организации Объединенных Наций по окружающей среде (UNEP), Глобальный углеродный проект, Межправительственную группу экспертов по изменению климата [IPCC (МГЭИК)], сети «Земля будущего» и «Лига Земли», Глобальную рамочную основу для климатического обслуживания (ГРОКО). United in Science - это обобщение ключевых выводов из нескольких более подробных докладов названных организаций.
Refrigeration Technology. 2019;108(11):6-13
pages 6-13 views

Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya

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Refrigeration Technology. 2019;108(11):14-19
pages 14-19 views

Ammiachnye agregaty BITZER: vybor v pol'zu effektivnosti

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Refrigeration Technology. 2019;108(11):20-23
pages 20-23 views

Novye komponenty ot AKO!

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Refrigeration Technology. 2019;108(11):24-27
pages 24-27 views

Kharakteristiki spiral'nykh kompressorov dlya primeneniya v nizkotemperaturnykh vozdushnykh teplovykh nasosakh

Shungarov E.K., Protopopov K.V., Garanov S.A.


Ceteris paribus the efficiency of heat pumps is higher in the systems with moderate temperature levels for heat consumers. Lowtemperature systems for heating and hot water supply are considered the most promising. The lowtemperature airwater heat pumps consist of a circuit, through which a refrigerant circulates, an evaporator, a condenser and a compressor. The selection of a scroll compressor for a lowtemperature heat pump is defined by its operating characteristics which include isentropic efficiency, feed coefficient and compression ratio. To demonstrate/prove the manufacturer’s specifications for scroll compressors the authors investigated the compressors of three manufacturers Copeland, Danfoss and Invotech: lowtemperature compressors ZF15K4TTFD, LLZ015T4A, YF35E1G100 and mediumtemperature ones ZB29KCETFD, MLZ030T4 and YM70E1G100. The study of lowtemperature compressors was carried out in the range of refrigerant boiling temperatures from minus 10 to minus 40 оС, medium temperature scroll compressors in the range from 0 to minus 30 оС. The dependences of the isentropic efficiency and the feed ratio of a scroll compressor on the compression ratio were defined. The data obtained allowed plotting diagrams of respective dependences for various compressor models.
Refrigeration Technology. 2019;108(11):28-32
pages 28-32 views

Raschet sistemy kholodosnabzheniya molochnogo zavoda s pomoshch'yu sistemnogo analiza

Syazin I.E., Kas'yanov G.I., Gukasyan A.V.


The calculation of a required refrigeration capacity of a refrigeration plant intended for a milk tank cooling using a system analysis was carried out. Currently it is problematic for technologists in food industry to perform such a calculation at designing new cooling workshops. The objective of this article is to show a simplified method of calculation of a milk refrigerated tank on the basis of a concrete example using a system analysis. Pasteurized unseparated milk was used as a raw material. The paper shows the way of choosing a refrigeration system and a refrigeration plant type as well as defining the area of a tank heat exchange, heat removed from milk before calculation of a required refrigeration capacity.
Refrigeration Technology. 2019;108(11):33-35
pages 33-35 views

Rezul'taty rascheta kontaktnogo vzaimodeystviya sherokhovatykh poverkhnostey uzlov treniya kholodil'nogo i klimaticheskogo oborudovaniya

Tsygankov A.V., Lysev V.I., Shilin A.S., Serov A.A.


The paper concludes the results of computing the parameters of contact interaction of rough surfaces of friction. The microgeometry of the surfaces was simulated using Gaussian random fields, the statistic characteristics of which were determined by the results of profilogram processing. The force of contact interaction of elastic surfaces was calculated by solving the Hertz problem of point contacts. The dependences of the contact area, coefficients, the volume of the contacting material, and the surface interaction force on the generalized parameter of roughness for pairs of friction steelsteel and steelbronze are cited. The results of a computational study of the contact surface interaction made it possible to estimate the limits of friction regimes depending on the surface microgeometry and specific load on supportingsealing assemblies.
Refrigeration Technology. 2019;108(11):36-39
pages 36-39 views

Osvoenie trudnodostupnykh rayonov arkticheskoy zony: novye tekhnologii uprochneniya ledovykh pokrytiy dlya transportnykh uzlov i kommunikatsiy

Buznik V.M., Goncharova G.Y., Stepanov R.O., Razomasov N.D., Makhsidov V.V.


The paper examines the opportunities of using new technologies of strengthening ice structures for construction of transport hubs, communications, ice aerodromes, highways and railways in the Arctic zone. The experimental results proving the opportunity to increase significantly the ice strength properties by introducing microdoses of high molecular modified compounds into water solution are presented. It is shown that the combination of ice modification and reinforcement by uptodate highstrength fibers is efficient. The criteria to select chemical compounds and reinforcing materials as regards the conjugating their physical and adhesion properties have been developed. The perspectives of new technology application in the Arctic region have been estimated.
Refrigeration Technology. 2019;108(11):40-45
pages 40-45 views

Eksperimental'nye issledovaniya i modelirovanie protsessa zamorazhivaniya vlazhnogo grunta

Dubinin A.M., Osminkina A.S.


The results of the experiment and simulation of the process of wet soil freezing are presented. The comparison of the experiment and simulation gives satisfactory results. The initial temperature of soil is +20 °С. The temperature of stabilizer is constant and equal to -20 °С. The soil moisture is 0.2 kg of water per 1 kg of dry soil. The experimentally measured speed of movement of the freezing front of wet soil is 6.25 mm/day. The designing speed is 7.4 mm/day. The simulation was carried out on the basis of the differential equation of nonstationary heat conductivity written for a cylindrical wall under the corresponding initial and boundary conditions.
Refrigeration Technology. 2019;108(11):46-49
pages 46-49 views

Host Milano 2019 - ital'yanskoe gostepriimstvo dlya vsego mira

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Refrigeration Technology. 2019;108(11):50-53
pages 50-53 views

Rossiyskaya Federatsiya na China Fisheries & Seafood Expo 2019

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Refrigeration Technology. 2019;108(11):54-55
pages 54-55 views

Novye patenty Rossii po kholodil'noy tekhnike i teplovym nasosam

Rukavishnikov A.M.


Льдоаккумулятор для производства ледяной воды Патент РФ № 2484396, заявка и начало срока действия патента 25.05.2012 г., опубликовано 10.06.2013 г., бюл. № 16. Авторы: В.И. Велюханов, Г.В. Гусева и др. Патентообладатели: В.И. Велюханов, Г.В. Гусева и др.
Refrigeration Technology. 2019;108(11):56-60
pages 56-60 views

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