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Aim. To study interleukin-17 (IL-17) level and IL-17F gene (rs763780) polymorphism in patients with chronic hepatitis C (CHC). Materials and methods. Biochemical indices of alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, gamma-glutamiltransferase, lactate dehydrogenase, lipid spectrum markers, blood serum IL-17 level and single-nucleotide substitution in IL-17F gene (rs763780) were investigated and analyzed in 150 persons (50 donors without chronic viral hepatitis and 100 patients with CHC) living in Perm Territory. Results. The increased IL-17 level was noted in 14% of CHC patients. In both groups of the examined patients predominated CC genotype. There were no pathological homozygotes GG in both cohorts. No reliable difference in genotype frequencies in both cohorts (c 2=0,70; p =0,71) was stated. Allele ratio of the studied marker in both groups was also characterized by great similarity (c 2=0,69; p =0,41). No correlation between IL-17F gene (rs763780) polymorphism and blood serum IL-17 content was established. Reliable correlation between IL-17 and cytolysis, cholestasis and total cholesterol markers was revealed; correlation between IL-17F gene (rs763780) polymorphism and blood serum lipid spectrum was found. Conclusion. During the study, no statistically significant difference between genotype frequencies and marker alleles of IL-17F gene in healthy persons and CHC patients was detected.

About the authors

I A Bulatova



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