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Aim. To assess the results of bilateral defunctionalizing of duodenum (DD) in primary and reconstructive stomach interventions. Materials and methods. Bilateral defunctionalizing of duodenum in primary and reconstructive stomach interventions were analyzed in 29 patients. The indications to bilateral defunctionalizing of duodenum in 23 cases were severe forms of chronic disturbances of duodenal patency, in 6 – short adductor bowel after Bilrot-II stomach resection. Inclusion of duodenum into the passage of digestive juice in all cases was performed by means of transverse duodenojejunal anastomosis. Sixteen patients underwent antiperistaltic variant of anastomosis (in 4 cases through the enteral insertion), 13 – isoperistaltic one (in 1 case through the enteral insertion). Results. In the early postoperative period, 2 (6,9%) patients died, 27 patients during 3–8 days were treated in conditions of resuscitation unit. Enteral feeding and peristaltic stimulation with the device «Endoton» was included into complex treatment. Long-term results were studied in 19 patients during the period of 1 to 16 years using questionnaire design. Conclusion. In the long-term period the best results were obtained in patients with isoperistaltic variant of duodenojejunal anastomosis.

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About the authors

N A Nikitin

M M Avdeeva



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