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Aim. To describe height-weight indices, to calculate body weight index, to assess differences on the basis of questioning students of the first course of Treatment-and-Prophylactic Faculty. Materials and methods. 50 students the first course of Treatment-and-Prophylactic Faculty underwent questioning. Each subject being tested, orally answered three suggested questions (indicate sex, height, weight). There were 15 young men and 35 girls. The obtained data were divided into 3 groups: 2 girls and 2 young men (8%) were short, 28 girls and 7 young men (70%) – of a medium height, 5 girls and 6 young men (22%) – tall. Reliability of differences was estimated by means of Student’s test (t). There was an attempt to reveal dependence between height and weight using correlation analysis. Results. The obtained data permit to confirm reliability of differences between tall and short young men, since temptcrit (2,659>2,37). Correlation coefficient r =0,726382146 that proves an average degree of linear connection between parameters. Conclusion. It was found out that the majority of students of the first course of Treatment-and-Prophylactic Faculty are of a medium height making 70% of the total number of subjects being tested, 22% of students are tall and 8% are short. The studied weight of students of the first course of Treatment-and-Prophylactic Faculty permitted to state that 80% of students have a normal for their height weight. However, 8% of students have a deficit of body weight but 12%, on the contrary, – overweight. This fact evidences importance of a timely revealing of these contingents, necessity of preventive work, their examination for the purpose of detecting reasons and improving health for further training.

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Оценка росто-весовых показателей у студентов первого курса медико-профилактического факультета


  1. Гланц С. Медико-биологическая статистика. М.: Практика 1999; 459.
  2. Хрипкова А. Г., Антропова М. В., Фарбер Д. А. Возрастная физиология и школьная гигиена: пособие для студентов пед. ин-тов. М.: Просвещение 1990; 319.

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Copyright (c) 2013 Devyatkova G.I., Schepetkova E.R., Kilanova M.O., Mel A.I.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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