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Materials and methods. 13 patients (aged 6 to 9 years) with diagnosis of ADHS that was verified by criteria MCB 10 and results of survey SNAP-IV were examined. Comparison group included 10 pupils of the same age. Clinical estimation of sleep and standard polysomnographic investigation without adaptation night were used. The sleep stage was identified according to Rechtschaffen A., Kales A. standards, 1968. Results. Analysis of the obtained data detected the following: reduced duration of sleep in children with ADHS to 6, 3 hours compared to children of comparison group (7,5 hours), prolonged drowsiness period and latent fast sleep phase (FSP) ( p <0,005). At the same time, FSP duration decreased to 65,9 minutes reaching the reliable differences compared to the analogous indices of healthy pupils (97,3 min). Among patients with ADHS, delta sleep period ( p <0,005) was prolonged, wake period during sleep significantly ( p <0,0001) increased to 12%, whereas in group 2 it was 0,95%. The number of awakenings lasting for more than 3 minutes also raised. As a result, the revealed peculiarities of sleep in the examined children influenced the integrative index – sleep efficiency index which appeared to be distinctly lowered in ADHS children. The standard sleep efficiency index approaches 100%, being in ADHS children 81,5% ( p <0,005). Conclusion. The obtained results demonstrate a multilayer disintegration of brain activity in case of developing ADHS including involvement of integrative apparatuses of sleep into pathological process. The problems of interference of all the three variants of functional status of the brain (awakening, SSP, FSP) in ADHS are still unsolved.

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Клинические и полисомнографические особенности сна у детей с синдромом дефицита внимания и гиперактивности

About the authors

N V Konshina



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