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Aim. To study the immune status in patients with basal cell skin carcinoma in the postoperative period. Materials and methods. The immune status changes were performed in 39 patients with basal cell skin carcinoma (BCSC). Patients’ age was 65±3 years. To asses the immune status, content of different lymphocyte subpopulations in blood, immune humoral component indices, cytokine content, phagocytosis parameters were determined. Results. Patients with basal cell carcinoma were established to have in cell component of the immune system decreased percent and absolute number of lymphocytes carrying CD16+, CD3+, CD4+ and CD8+ mediators and lowered CD4+/CD8+ ratio index. At the same time, increase in lymphocytes carrying CD20+ receptors was registered. After surgical treatment, restoration of lymphocytes carrying CD20+ receptors alone was noted; the rest indices were not changed and remained decreased. Before surgical treatment, in the humoral component of the immune system, there was registered a decrease in IgG number, as well as reduction in the total number of compliment, its C3-and C4-fractions, TNF-α, IL1-b, IL-6, IF-γ, phagocytic index, phagocytic number, BT-sp., BT-st., with rise in CIC. On the postoperative day 7, a partial restoration of the humoral component indices of the immune status system was detected: CIC and NBT-sp. which became to correspond to the data of the comparison group consisting of relatively healthy persons were also restored. On the postoperative day 10, NBT-st. index was restored, besides, there was a partial restoration of such index as IgG. However, this index remained decreased compared to the data of the comparison group consisting of relatively healthy persons.


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Copyright (c) 2014 Maslyakov V.V., Dralina O.I., Fedotova E.V., Zakharov G.V.

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