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Perspective directions of work on development of new types of biopathogens are presented in the paper. Convention on prohibition of biological weapon does not prevent development of new biopathogens. Success in gene engineering and molecular biology opens huge opportunities for receiving new biological agents and modification of the known ones. The basic directions in development of new types of biopathogens are the following: modification of especially dangerous infectious agents; modification of slow infectious agents; modification of uncontrolled infectious agents; synthesis of regulatory genes on the basis of viral vectors; modification of latent viruses; modification of oncogenes and oncogenic viruses; development of movable genetic elements based on phages, plasmids et c; synthesis of genes coding immunoprivileged organ and tissue proteins; modification of animal and plant toxins with elevated resistance to environmental factors; synthesis of genes coding formation of chemical and low concentration biological compounds with toxic or other regulatory effect. Development of new biopathogens will be accompanied by working out new methods for delivering such agents to the target. It is possible to develop a weapon possessing a high degree of selectivity and damaging genome of organism-target of a certain race, ethnos, nation.


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Copyright (c) 2014 Konovalov P.P., Arsentiev O.V., Buyanov A.L., Denisov N.L.

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