In 2008 the Collection of scientific works of the UNESCO Chair of Yugra State University “Environmental Dynamics and Global Climate Change” was published. It contained papers of the Chair’s employees and researchers from other institutions.

High activeness of authors and feedback of readers predetermined the decision to transform it to a periodical in 2010. Since then the journal has been published with the frequency of 2 issues per year, with the exception of 2012 when 3 issues were published.

The journal has both printed and online versions. It’s printed in the printing and publication department of Yugra State University. The editorial team hasn’t changed significantly, and the editor in chief has never changed.

The reviewing policy (double-blind review) was developed in the first stages of establishment. Firstly, each paper has only one reviewer, after that there are two reviewers, and in case of a dispute the third one is engaged. Finally, since 2015 three reviewers for each paper are needed.

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