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Aim. To analyze the outcomes of pregnancy in women with or without abdominal pain, to detect the possible causes of developing abdominal pain syndrome. Material and methods. On the basis of retrospective analysis of medical documents of 34 patients with physiological and 234 patients with complicated course of pregnancy it was shown that clinical and laboratory signs of inflammatory processes were revealed and their pathogens were identified in most pregnant women with abdominal pain syndrome. Results. This category of patients has a more marked inflammatory reactions assessed by leukocytic intoxication index (LII) and a rather high frequency of basic pregnancy complications. Women with different in time development of abdominal pain syndrome had evident differences in the structure of the basic pregnancy complications. Women without any clinical manifestations of early unfavorable gestation course, but with more pronounced LII-assessed inflammatory reactions also have complicated pregnancy. Conclusion. All pregnant women with abdominal pain syndrome should be investigated for infections and require etiotropic treatment and prevention of fetoplacental insufficiency. Lack of clinical symptoms of unfavorable pregnancy course at early terms can not serve as a reliable criterion of its physiological course.

About the authors

V V Skryabina



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