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Aim. To study some causes of impaired blood coagulation in patients with acute leucoses. Materials and methods. Hemostasis indices, lipid peroxidation and antioxidant defense status were studied in 45 patients with acute leucoses. Disturbances in the system of hemostasis among patients with acute leucoses concern all the constituents. Besides hypoproduction of platelets connected with bone marrow metaplasia and platelet deposit in the enlarged spleen and liver, consumption of the latter in conditions of DIVC-syndrome is an actual cause of thrombocytopenia. It should be noted that disturbances in coagulation component of hemostasis are revealed also in its internal component that can serve as a marker of endothelial lesion in malignant blood diseases. Prooxidant stress formed in hemoblastoses complicated by anemias is an endogenous factor damaging endothelium. Conclusion. Endothelial lesion is a result of lipid peroxidation activation and antioxidant defense inhibition. Instability of cellular membranes and systemic endothelial lesion are manifested by decrease in its vasodilating function and initiation of blood coagulation processes.


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Copyright (c) 2014 Zhelobov V.G., Tuev A.V., Nekrutenko L.A., Agafonov A.V.

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