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Aim. To study the morphological indices of the monospecific biofilm formed by S. aureus after chlorhexidine and “Prontosan®” exposure. Materials and methods. The study objects included referent strain S. aureus ATCC®29213 and clinical isolates S. aureus ( n = 39). Biofilm formation was investigated by O’Toole G.F. and Kolter R. (1998). Results. Anticeptics chlorhexidine and “Prontosan®” caused changes in the structure of staphylococcal biofilm that was characterized by appearance of the areas of discharge and rise in surface roughness index as well as damages of cells which were manifested by decrease in diameter and number of viable bacteria. Anticeptic exposure led to decline in size/massiveness of biofilm formed both on hydrophilic and hydrophobic surface. [Me (Q1-Q3)] index characterizing the size of biofilm on the hydrophobic surface was 0,154 (0,095-0,287) after “Prontosan®” exposure, but after chlorhexidine exposure it was 0,165 (0,118-0,268) un. OP 580. Reliability of differences in the groups was indicated only for control/“Prontosan®” pair ( p = 0,000128). Conclusions. The used drugs, mostly “Prontosan®”, showed a high activity in “surgical” concentrations in relation to bacterial biofilms formed by S. aureus causing changes in its structure. Anticeptic exposure led to decrease in size/massiveness of biofilm formed both on hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces. Both drugs are high active in relation to staphylococcal biofilm with a slight benefit of “Prontosan®”.


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Copyright (c) 2015 Encheva Y.A., Kuznetsova M.V., Rubtsova E.A., Afanasievskaya E.V., Samartsev V.A.

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