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Aim. The objective of the study was to assess the contribution of associated exposure of genetic and environmental (tobacco smoke) factors on the development of bronchial asthma. Materials and methods. 104 adolescents aged 12-18, ill with bronchial asthma including 49 smokers (45 - with mild degree of severity and 4 - with moderate one) and 55 nonsmokers were examined. Molecular-genetic studies were carried out at the Laboratory of Epidemiological Genetics of Medicogenetic Scientific Center of RAMS ((MGSC). Results. Bronchial asthma in smoking patients is associated with GSDMB (rs7216389), NOS3 (VNTR) and ADRB2 (Gln27Glu) genes, in nonsmoking patients - with GSDMB (rs7216389), CHRNA5 (rs16969968), ADRB2 (Gln27Glu) and THOI (STR) genes. Alleles and genotypes of increased BA-forming risk were detected, additional genetic attributive risk confirming and objectivizing the role of tobacco-smoking in BA development was determined. Differences were revealed in the structure and character of correlations between gene locuses predisposing to BA development in smokers and non-smokers. Conclusion. Analysis of intergenic correlations permitted to state a complicated character of correlations between genes-candidates of BA development and genes-candidates of predisposition to tobacco-smoking, conditioning the possible pathogenetic differences in the exposure of environmental risk factor (tobacco-smoking).


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Copyright (c) 2014 Batozhargalova B.C., Petrova N.V., Timkovskaya E.E., Mizernitsky Y.L., Zinchenko R.A.

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