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Aim. To study the epidemiology of gastrointestinal and respiratory tract-located foreign bodies in children. Material and methods. 359 clinical observations were analyzed. Children with respiratory tract-located (97 patients) and gastrointestinal tract-located (262 patients) foreign bodies were hospitalized into Children’s Surgery Clinic of Perm State Academy of Medicine named after Academician E.A. Wagner. Results. Epidemiology of foreign bodies in childhood was studied. Diagnostic and tactical algorithms of removing foreign bodies depending on their location, period of remaining, availability of complications were considered. Clinical cases of long remaining of foreign bodies in the esophagus and complications caused by this pathology are presented as examples. Conclusion. Small children use foreign bodies more often. The structure of gastrointestinal tract-located foreign bodies changed; the share of swollen batteries and magnets increased, causing development of serious complications. Respiratory tract-located foreign bodies occur rarer, however, they more often induce severe disturbances of vital functions

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Эпидемиология инородных тел у детей


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Copyright (c) 2013 Rudakova E.A., Kovaleva O.A., Yurkov S.V., Evseenkova T.G.

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