Yugra State University Bulletin

Peer-reviewed scientific multidisciplinary journal.


  • Valery F. Lapshin, Doctor of Law, Associate Professor


  • Yugra State University


  • Yugra State University


Launch Year: 2005

The purpose of the journal - to promote results of scientific activity in Economics, Earth science and Technical sciences among the broad strata of the scientific community, to increase the reputation of the scientific journal, the quotation rate of articles.


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  • regular issues quarterly, 4 issues per year
  • in Russian and English

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Vol 20, No 1 (2024)

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Modeling of the heat transfer process during thermite welding of railway rails
Galay M.S., Sidorov E.S.

Subject of research: study of heat distribution process during thermite welding of railway rails

The purpose of the study: to study the heat exchange process of the “mold – weld – rail” system by modeling in a special program for casting processes LVMFlow product.

Methods and objects of research: the object of research is rails welded joints. The research method is modeling the thermite welding process of rails in the LVMFlow software product.

The main results of the study: 3D models of heat transfer of the casting “mold – weld – rail” system have been developed taking into account phase transitions. Based on the proposed models distribution temperature thermograms fields are presented along section of welded joint and along length of the welded joint. The simulation results are confirmed by results of experiments.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2024;20(1):5-10
pages 5-10 views
Algorithm for the numerical investigation of cathode processes of zinc electroextraction
Kashapov N.F., Chebakova V.Y., Chebakova E.V., Kormushin K.V.

Subject of research: the paper presents a numerical algorithm for detecting the rate constants of heterogeneous processes for their further investigation.

Purpose of research: Digital prototyping of electrodeposition of zinc coating by leaching depleted zinc ore.

Methods of research: the algorithm is presented on the example of predicting the dezincification during parallel hydrogen release reaction in electrolysis of a sodium hydroxide solution, which contains sodium tetrahydroxozincate, and verified using full-scale experiments. So, in this article, there are detected the constants of cathode stepwise electrochemical reactions for zinc powder obtaining using direct search method. The kinetic equation system itself, which describes cathode stepwise reactions, is solved using classical Runge-Kutta method.

Main results of research: the modeling makes allowance for the presence of parallel process of hydrogen release and occurs in the approximation of porous film during the settling-out. The numerical algorithm, developed by the authors, make it also possible to predict the current yield of substance.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2024;20(1):11-18
pages 11-18 views
Estimating the parameters of simple nested piecele-linear regression with a linear component
Noskov S.I.

Subject of research: the problem of estimating the parameters of a simple nested piecewise linear regression with a linear component.

Purpose of research: to apply an effective linear-Boolean programming apparatus to solve this problem.

Methods and objects of research: the object of research is the minimization of approximation errors of simple nested piecewise linear regression with a linear component, methods – linear regression analysis and mathematical programming apparatus.

Main results of research: an approach to determining parameter estimates for simple nested piecewise linear regression with a linear component is described using the least modulus method, which allows us to reduce this problem to a linear-Boolean programming problem. A numerical example has been solved.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2024;20(1):19-21
pages 19-21 views
The comparison of cloud and shadow segmentation algorithms on satellite images
Sokolkov O.I.

Subject of research: the segmentation algorithms of satellite images.

Purpose of research: to compare cloud and cloud shadow segmentation algorithms.

Methods and objects of research: the calculation and comparison of efficiency metrics, labeled space images (CloudSEN12), Fmask, Kappamask, Sen2cloudless, Ukis-csmask, Mobile-Unet algorithms, Sentinel mission cloud segmentation, Sen2cor scene classification, FC-CNN.

Main results of research: the Precision, Recall, Accuracy, F1 metrics have been calculated for the algorithms under consideration. The best result was demonstrated by Mobile-Unet with a score of 0.888 on the F1 metric. The novelty of the obtained results lies in expanding the context of comparative analysis of previous similar studies: we add another algorithm to it (Ukis-csmask).

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2024;20(1):22-28
pages 22-28 views

New materials and technology

Influence of the method of obtaining from rice husk and activation of silicon dioxide on its properties and modifying effect in epoxy polymers
Gotlib E.M., Valeeva A.R., Vakhitova M.Y., Gimranova A.R.

Subject of research: production of silicon dioxide, the influence of its structure and dispersion on the operational and mechanical properties of epoxy materials.

Purpose of research: selection of the optimal method for obtaining silicon dioxide from rice husk by studying its phase composition and particle size and investigating the operational and mechanical properties of epoxy materials filled with it.

Methods and objects of research: the production of silicon dioxide by recycling large-scale agricultural waste - rice husks, through its thermal and chemical treatment is presented, the chemical properties of silicon dioxide are studied, the dispersion of filler particles is measured, the polymer is modified with the resulting silicon dioxide.

Main results of research: it was found that the properties of polymer materials are affected by the dispersion of fillers; compositions filled with silicon dioxide (DS1), obtained by heat treatment of rice husks with a particle dispersion of 38 microns, have the least wear, the greatest hardness and tear strength. During the research, it was discovered that the properties of the compositions are affected by the phase composition of the filler. The best properties are exhibited by epoxy compositions filled with DS1 with the phase composition: X-ray amorphous phase, cristobalite and quartzite.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2024;20(1):29-34
pages 29-34 views
Laser welding of pipe from steel 09G2S
Gorunov A.I., Nyukhlyaev O.A., Gilmutdinov A.K.

Subject of research: laser welding of pipe steels.

Purpose of research: variation of laser welding parameters to obtain optimal combinations of welded joints.

Object of research: structure and properties of welded joints as a result of laser welding of pipe steel.

Methods of research: optical microscopy, X-ray tomography and tensile tests were used to study the effect of laser parameters on the weld.

Main results of research: the results of laser welding of tubing with different thickness by varying the power and parameters of laser radiation are presented. Possibilities of technology of laser welding of pipes with big thicknesses, with application of a filler wire are shown.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2024;20(1):35-45
pages 35-45 views
Production of aluminum foam using an alternative porophore
Lapin I.V., Gilmutdinov I.M.

Subject of research: blowing agent in the form of natural CaCO3 powder to obtain high-quality aluminum foam material.

Purpose of research: selection of the optimal type of foam as a pore-forming element and production of aluminum foam with special functional properties.

Methods and objects of research: when studying the gas-forming properties, the residual substances and thermal stability of the powder were determined using a thermogravimetric analyzer TG-DTG, DSC. The processes of obtaining aluminum foam samples sintered in a protective environment on an experimental installation are considered. The object of research is the resulting CaCO3 powders, as well as the determination of the physical and mechanical properties of aluminum foam samples.

Main results of research: production of foamed aluminum with special functional properties with the introduction of powder blowing agent CaCO3. Selection of the optimal component of the amount of powder injected into the metal matrix of the substance, based on the physical properties of the resulting material.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2024;20(1):46-50
pages 46-50 views
Possibility of application of the ARDS method for obtaining permanent joints of composite materials reinforced with highly dispersed phase of titanium carbide obtained on the basis of aluminum-magnesium alloys
Sherina Y.V., Lutz A.R., Bogatov M.V., Golubovskiy E.N.

Subject of research: the evaluation of the possibility of using the argon arc welding method (ARWM) to obtain unbreakable joints of composite materials AMg2-10%TiC and AMg6-10%TiC.

Purpose of research: obtaining welded joints by argon-arc welding with a non-consumable electrode based on aluminum matrix composite materials AMg2-10%TiC and AMg6-10%TiC using filler rod grade 5356 and comparing the structure and properties of AMKM welded samples with welded samples of AMg2 and AMg6 matrix alloys obtained using the same methods modes.

Methods of research: studies were carried out to control visible and hidden defects, metallographic analysis, as well as an assessment of the mechanical properties of welded joints. It has been established that the level of ARDS weldability of composite materials AMg2-10%TiC and AMg6-10%TiC is at the level of ARDS weldability of matrix alloys AMg2 and AMg6.

Main results of research: it is shown that when using the ARDS method it is possible to dislocate reinforcing particles of titanium carbide in composite materials AMg2-10%TiC and AMg6-10%TiC from the base metal zone to the heat affected zone as well as to the weld zone. It was found that the presence of welded joint in composite material AMg2-10%TiC leads to an increase in hardness and yield strength.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2024;20(1):51-61
pages 51-61 views


Criminal law assessment of robbery as a minor act: analysis of judicial practice
Zhilkin M.G., Chukanova E.S.

Subject of research: more than 20 judicial decisions on the termination of criminal cases and acquittals, as well as the legal positions of the Constitutional and Supreme Courts of the Russian Federation, were chosen as the subject of the study.

Purpose of research: is to identify scientifically based criteria for the insignificance of robbery based on judicial practice.

Methods and object of research: the study used methods of formal legal analysis, generalization and systematization of the regulatory framework and doctrinal positions. Main results of research: was the development of objective criteria for the insignificance of robbery, taking into account both legal and socio-economic aspects. The conclusions of the study suggest ways to improve law enforcement practice and can serve as a basis for adjusting legislation in the field of crime qualification.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2024;20(1):62-70
pages 62-70 views
Activities of penalty execution subjects as a factor in the implementation of its content
Zvonov A.V.

Subject of research: activities of subjects of execution of punishment, which are directly related to the regime of criminal punishment, based on a system of restrictions on a specific punishment.

Purpose of research: to summarize the available and gain new knowledge about the impact of the activities of the subjects of execution of punishments in the exercise of their powers on the content of the punishment of criminal punishment and the system of criminal penalties in general.

Methods and objects of research: the article uses the means and methods of cognition characteristic of science, ensuring objectivity, and relying on the fundamental laws and categories of the theory of knowledge and the dialectical method of studying phenomena. As a basic method that combines all the others, a system-structural one was used, which made it possible to conduct a scientific analysis of the research material. In addition, other methods of cognition were used: modeling, logical; generalization and description of the data obtained, etc. The study was carried out based on the criminological substantiation of the findings in the plane of objective theoretical and applied reality, from the subjective position of scientists and the personal view of the author.

Main results of research: the influence of the activities of the subjects of execution of punishments on the process of convicts serving their assigned sentences was revealed, which lies both in the competencies of the institutions executing punishments and in the competencies of the persons vested with the authority to execute them. The author believes that further research into this issue will help achieve the goals of criminal penalties and improve the quality of implementation of the criminal penalties system as a whole.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2024;20(1):71-75
pages 71-75 views
About some directions of increasing the efficiency of operational search support for the identification and investigation of crimes
Kudryavtsev A.V.

Subject of research: capabilities of operational investigative support for the detection and investigation of crimes.

Purpose of research: to identify modern factors that determine the need for operational investigative support for the detection and investigation of crimes; determine the content of operational investigative support for the detection and investigation of crimes; to formulate some areas for increasing the efficiency of operational investigative support for the detection and investigation of crimes.

Methods of research: the work used general scientific methods (analysis and synthesis, logical, systemic), as well as special scientific methods (sociological, statistical).

Main results of research: based on the analysis, the author made the following conclusions: on the advisability of supplementing the legally defined list of tasks of operational investigative activities; on the practical validity of developing an interdepartmental normative legal act regulating operational investigative support of criminal proceedings; about the need to use the capabilities of operational investigative support not only at the pre-trial stages of the criminal process, but also at the trial stage.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2024;20(1):76-79
pages 76-79 views
Holiganity committed with violence against citizens: problems of qualification
Menshikova A.G.

Subject of research: norms of criminal law establishing liability for hooliganism, for crimes against the person committed out of hooligan motives, as well as explanations reflected in the Resolutions of the Plenum of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation dated November 15, 2007 № 45, dated December 27, 2002 №. 29, dated December 4, 2014 № 16.

Purpose of research: to reveal the understanding of «violence» within the framework of Art. 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, on the basis of which to formulate rules for qualifying the imputation, in aggregate or without violent hooliganism, of crimes against the person committed out of hooligan motives.

Methods and objects of research: the main methods used are the formal logical method, methods of analogy and generalization, as well as comparative legal and formal legal research methods.

Main results of research: proposals were formulated to improve the provisions of the current Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated November 15, 2007 № 45 «On judicial practice in criminal cases of hooliganism and other crimes committed from hooligan motives» in terms of the understanding of violence enshrined in paragraph «a» part 1 art. 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, as well as the rules for qualifying this crime in combination or without crimes against the person committed out of hooligan motives.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2024;20(1):80-84
pages 80-84 views
Some signs of an extremiist organization «Arestant criminal unity» formed as a result of the analysis of materials submitted for examination
Khohrin S.A.

Subject of research: materials submitted for the preparation of conclusions on criminological examinations.

Purpose of research: to find out what materials are required for the examination. How do they influence the identification of signs of the functioning of cells of the extremist organization AUE on the territory of a municipality or penitentiary institution? Conduct an analysis of the materials submitted for the examination and identify the main characteristic errors made during their preparation, with the aim of further preventive work aimed at preventing these errors.

Methods of research: the article uses such general scientific research methods as: generalization, analysis and synthesis, specification.

Main results of research: groups of basic materials submitted for examination have been identified, and the main mistakes made in the preparation of these materials and during preparatory activities for the appointment of criminological examinations have been identified. The author believes that the formation of the most common errors made during the preparation of materials for conducting criminological investigations to identify signs of the functioning of cells of extremist organizations on the territory of municipalities will make it possible to take measures to prevent them.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2024;20(1):85-89
pages 85-89 views
Prospects of using neural networks to prevent environmental crime
Shaposhnikov A.S.

Subject of research: neural networks as a tool for preventing environmental crime.

Purpose of research: based on the analysis of the functional capabilities of neural networks, to propose directions for their application in activities related to the prevention of environmental crime.

Methods and objects of research: the methodological basis is presented by the dialectical method of scientific cognition. Private scientific methods of cognition were used in the consideration of the concept of «neural networks» and the disclosure of the functionality of this technology (methods of formal logic), as well as in the study of the prospects for the introduction of neural networks into the activities of law enforcement agencies (formal legal method).

Main results of research: among the functional capabilities of neural networks for the prevention of environmental crime, the most effective are data recognition and classification, event forecasting, detection of anomalies in data by processing satellite images. This functionality will allow law enforcement agencies to identify areas of the natural environment that are most susceptible to criminal influence, which, in turn, makes it possible, using a risk-based approach, to prevent the commission of environmental crimes.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2024;20(1):90-95
pages 90-95 views
Holigan incidents as an aggravating circumstance of criminal punishment
Lapshin V.F., Kemova N.N.

Subject of research: hooligan motives (motive) as a qualifying feature of a crime and an aggravating circumstance.

Purpose of research: to justify the need to include the fact of committing a crime for hooligan motives in the list of circumstances aggravating punishment.

Methods and objects of research: when conducting the research, general scientific and special scientific methods of cognition were used, which are mainly used in the humanities (legal) sciences: dialectical method, analysis, synthesis, formal-logical, systemic-structural, etc. The object of the research was social relations, which are formed when assessing the degree of public danger of a criminal act committed out of hooligan motives, for the subsequent imposition of a fair punishment for its commission.

Main results of research: any crime committed with hooligan motives is characterized by an increased degree of public danger. If the corpus delicti does not include hooligan motives as a qualifying feature, then this motive must be taken into account when assigning punishment. The results of the study can be used for research in the field of means of differentiation and individualization of criminal liability.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2024;20(1):17-28
pages 17-28 views


Analysis of existing approaches to monitoring and diagnostics of the active part of power transformers
Arkhipova O.V., Kovalev V.Z., Saifullin R.V.

Subject of research: monitoring and diagnostics of the condition of the active part of power transformers.

Purpose of research: identification of promising trends in the development of methods for monitoring and diagnosing the state of the active part of power transformers.

Object of research: power transformers.

Methods of research: critical system analysis.

Main results of research: the problem of monitoring and diagnosing the condition of the active part of power transformers, including windings, is considered. It is noted that a significant number (more than four million units) of distribution transformers are in operation in the Russian Federation. The causes of emergency failures of the specified class of power transformers are analyzed. One of the main causes of failures is highlighted – a winding circuit in the transformer winding. Attention is focused on the problem of monitoring the state of the active part of the transformer and on the diagnosis of the development of short circuits in the transformer winding. The presence of several groups of methods for monitoring and diagnosing winding circuits of transformer windings is shown. The economic attractiveness of monitoring and diagnostics based on the reaction to artificial electromagnetic influences, and monitoring and diagnostics based on the reaction to natural electromagnetic influences is shown.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2024;20(1):96-101
pages 96-101 views
The introduction of vertical solar power plants into the energy system of the European part of Russia
Bubenchikov A.A., Goryunov V.N., Dorogov B.B.

Subject of research: optimal placement and operating modes of solar power plants, taking into account the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions.

Purpose of research: determine the influence of different orientations of photovoltaic power plants on carbon dioxide emissions

Object of research: photovoltaic plants

Methods of research: a combination of data coverage analysis models and an analytical hierarchy process

Main results of research: It is shown that vertical photovoltaic systems can reduce storage capacity or reduce the utilization rate of gas-fired power plants. Without any storage options, it is possible to reduce total carbon dioxide emissions to 10.2 million tons per year.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2024;20(1):102-110
pages 102-110 views
Analysis of the impact of electromagnetic fields on personnel safety and reliability of flights of unmanned aerial vehicles when monitoring 110 kV power lines
Niyazov A.R., Osipov D.S., Shepelev A.O.

Subject of research: this paper analyzes the impact of electromagnetic fields on personnel safety, as well as the safety and performance of unmanned aerial vehicle flights in the operation of 110 kV transmission lines.

Purpose of research: building a picture of the electromagnetic field of transmission lines 110 kV and above for the purpose of safe operation of live electrical installations by personnel using unmanned aerial vehicles.

Object of study: 110 kV power grids.

Methods of research: modeling of permissible (safe) distances to live parts of power lines in COMSOL Multiphysics program.

Main results of research: the pictures of electric and magnetic fields of the wire of 110 kV transmission lines at a distance of 1 m from the current-carrying part are constructed.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2024;20(1):111-117
pages 111-117 views
Application of active and passive filter-compensating devices to reduce the negative effects of harmonic distortions
Antonov A.I., Rudy D.Y.

Subject of research: processes occurring in electrical networks with induction heating installations.

Purpose of research: filter compensators.

Object of research: study of design features of active and passive harmonic filters.

Methods of research: in the process of performing research, scientific and technical generalization of literary sources according to the initial prerequisites for research, methods of probability theory and mathematical statistics were used. Experimental studies were carried out by a complex method using the Resurs-PKE device.

Main results of research: on the basis of conducted researches it is shown that filter-compensating devices can effectively reduce the negative impact of harmonic distortions.

Yugra State University Bulletin. 2024;20(1):118-125
pages 118-125 views

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