Satisfaction with medical services as a factor of competitiveness of regional health care institutions

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Aim. To conduct comparative analysis of patients’ satisfaction with medical services in private and public health care institutions, considering satisfaction as a factor of improving competitiveness.

Methods. Analysis of satisfaction with medical services in two medical institutions in Orel was performed by means of survey of 300 patients and analysis of web-based feedbacks. The obtained quantitative data were processed, grouped and presented as a result of statistical observation.

Results. According to the results of the survey of clients of the medical center «Sakara» it was found that almost 100% of patients were satisfied with medical services, and according to the web-based feedbacks 59.1% of patients were not satisfied with the services and stuff attitude. In polyclinic №2 according to the results of the survey about 70% of the visitors were satisfied, and according to web-based feedbacks 78.8% are completely unsatisfied. It was revealed that over time consumers marked down their assessment and sometimes they even became reverse. In this regard we identified the primary level of satisfaction - satisfaction, and secondary level - contentment (discontent). Primary satisfaction and subsequent contentment of consumers with medical services do not coincide and are not consistent. The explanation of this result lies in specificity of medical services, their duration and uncertainty of outcome. In the market of medical services in Russia satisfaction doesn’t often transform into customer loyalty, and therefore is not a source of profit. Between the parameters of satisfaction and customer contentment there is a gap due to the current efficiency of services and customer expectations.

Conclusion. Medical institutions should constantly analyze satisfaction and contentment of consumers for wider and more justified understanding of their behavior, preferences and expectations; identification of medical instituion problems and their timely correction is one of the most effective mechanisms to improve competitiveness.

About the authors

G V Gudimenko

Orel State University of Economy and Trade

Author for correspondence.
Orel, Russia

R A Kondrashova

University of Göttingen (Georgia Augusta)

Göttingen, Germany


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© 2017 Gudimenko G.V., Kondrashova R.A.

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