Periods of epidemic process of HIV infection and AIDS-related diseases in Perm Krai

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Aim. To identify the periods of the development of epidemic process of HIV infection in Perm Krai, characteristics of the structure of key AIDS-related diseases.

Methods. Analysis of prevalence of HIV infection and AIDS-related diseases was performed in Perm Krai based on the data of official statistics for 1988-2015. For this purpose data were taken from retrospective study of original medical records (individual outpatient‘s medical cards), form №61 approved by the resolution of Rosstat №1 issued at 09.01.2008 «Information on the groups of HIV-infected patients». Frequency and the strucutre of key opportunistic infections at different periods of the epidemic process were identified.

Results. 5 periods of the development of epidemic process of HIV infection were identfied in Perm Krai during 1995-2015: period of sporadic, stable level of incidence (1995-1998), period of sudden increase of incidence determining epidemic issues (1999-2001), period of decreasing and stable incidence (2002-2006), periods of growth (2007-2010) and activation (2011-2015) of the epidemic process due to sexual transmission of infection. In more than one third of the patients (33.29%) combination of opportunistic infections was registered that contributes to their severe course, diagnostic issues and untimely treatment. Parenteral route of transmission is the most prevalent among males (intravenous injection of drugs) and its proportion in the structure of transmission routes is 82.7±8.9%. Among females sexual transmission is prevalent.

Conclusion. In the dynamics of the development of epidemic process of HIV infection in Perm Krai (1995-2015) 5 periods were identified; at the modern stage among HIV infected patients AIDS-related diseases prevalently with central nervous system and internal organ damage are diagnosed: candidiasis, cytomegalovirus infection, toxoplasmosis, cryptococcosis and tuberculosis (stage 4b, 4c of HIV infection).

About the authors

E S Ivanova

Perm Regional Center for Prevention and Control of AIDS and Infectious Diseases

Author for correspondence.
Perm, Russia

A O Charushin

Perm State Medical University named after E.A. Wagner

Perm, Russia

N N Vorob’eva

Perm State Medical University named after E.A. Wagner

Perm, Russia

R G Gibadulin

Perm Regional Center for Prevention and Control of AIDS and Infectious Diseases

Perm, Russia

V S Shelud’ko

Perm State Medical University named after E.A. Wagner

Perm, Russia

V V Zhalnin

Perm Regional Center for Prevention and Control of AIDS and Infectious Diseases

Perm, Russia


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© 2017 Ivanova E.S., Charushin A.O., Vorob’eva N.N., Gibadulin R.G., Shelud’ko V.S., Zhalnin V.V.

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