Some health aspects of children born with different types of intrauterine growth restriction during the early neonatal period

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Aim. To evaluate some health aspects of children born with different types of intrauterine growth restriction during the early neonatal period.

Methods. Clinical and anamnestic, physical, laboratory, electrophysiological, ultrasound and statistical methods were used. Children’s past medical history, development during early neonatal period, physical development, functioning of autonomic nervous system and cardiovascular system were assessed.

Results. It was revealed that development of different types of intrauterine growth restriction is related to father and mother’s age at the time of pregnancy, women’s body mass before pregnancy, and time of pregnancy complication development (abortion risk, pre-eclampsia, arterial hypertension, Rh-immunization, edema). Fetuses with asymmetric type of intrauterine growth retardation had survived hypoxia more often (by 4.87 times). Children with symmetrical type of intrauterine growth retardation were more often born by C-section (by 2.66 times), with smaller anthropometric measurements, with more frequent and severe hypotrophy, moderate and severe cerebral ischemia and mild intracranial hemorrhage, cryptorchidism, kidney diseases, atrial septal defects, muscular ventricular septal defects, open arterial duct, and depleted reserves. Children with asymmetric type of intrauterine growth retardation more often had hypoglycemia, jaundice, polycythemia, restricted adaptation reserves, myocardial metabolic disorders, anterior mitral valve leaflet prolapse, posthypoxic changes similar to hypertrophic cardiopathy.

Conclusion. Revealed features of past medical history, development during early neonatal period of life, physical development, functioning of autonomic nervous system and cardiovascular system in different types of children’s intrauterine growth restriction can promote formulation of criteria for early diagnosis of adaptive and reserve disorders and identification of dispensary groups.

About the authors

V V Derevtsov

North-Western Federal Medical Research Centre named after V.A. Almazov

Author for correspondence.


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