Comparative analysis of children’s physical development in different age groups in Voronezh region 15 years apart (1997-1999 and 2011-2014)

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Aim. To investigate physical development of children in Voronezh region in different age groups in 2011-2014 in comparison with the regional studies data in 1997-1999.

Methods. The study was performed on 5644 children aged 1-18 years of health groups I and II in comparison with the data of 10 247 children aged 1-14 years examined in 1997-1999. Body height, weight and body mass index Z-scores, calculated using WHO AnthroPlus software, were evaluated.

Results. Children’s Z-score values for body height in 2011-2014 were higher than in 1997-1999 in all age groups and at the age of 1-9 years these values exceeded World Health Organization (WHO) standards. Girls’ height approached the standards in 10-14 and 15-18 years, and boys’ height - in 15-18 years. Body weight of children aged 2-8 years was higher than the regional data in 1997-1999 and WHO standards approaching them at the age of 9. Body mass index increase compared to WHO standards was revealed in children aged 1-4 years (p=0.000), and in 2011-2014 the reported differences were less prominent than in 1997-1999. In 2011-2014 among 15-18-years-old girls the shift of body mass index values to the lack of body weight was noted, in 1997-1999 the same changes were found out for 10-14-years-old girls.

Conclusion. In 2011-2014 specific attention was required to be paid to physical development of children at the age from 1 to 4 years due to overweight risk of and girls aged 15-18 years due to probable underweight risk.

About the authors

O A Zhdanova

Voronezh State Medical University named after N.N. Burdenko

Author for correspondence.
Voronezh, Russia


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