The pages of history of Kazan scientific school of dermatology: the life and work of V.F. Burgsdorf

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The article briefly covers the main stages of life and activities of V.F. Burgsdorf (1864-1935), his scientific achievements and priorities as the founder of one of Russian largest scientific schools, representatives of which made a huge contribution to the development of domestic dermatology. Special attention was paid to the contribution of V.F. Burgsdorf to the creation of the second in Russia phototherapy department in A.G. Ge’s Dermatology and Venereology clinic in Kazan, on the territory of which Republican Dermatology and Venereology Dispensary is currently located. The work in A.G. Ge’s (1889-1925) Dermatology and Venereology clinic became one of the most productive periods of life and activities of V.F. Burgsdorf. In November, 1900, V.F. Burgsdorf opened phototherapy department with support from professor A.G. Ge. Due to his medical and public authority V.F. Burgsdorf received large donations from Her Imperial Majesty the Empress Maria Feodorovna for further development of the department. V.F. Burgsdorf devoted most of his life to the development of treatment and prevention of skin and venereal diseases, organization of scientific research and improvement of medical education in Russia, and greatly improved the system of medical care for patients.

About the authors

E V Fayzullina

Kazan State Medical University

Kazan, Russia

N A Fedorova

Kazan (Volga region) Federal University

Kazan, Russia

R V Leukhin

Kazan State Medical University

Kazan, Russia


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© 2017 Fayzullina E.V., Fedorova N.A., Leukhin R.V.

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