Gender aspects of osteoporosis and their relationship to calcium balance

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Aim. To evaluate the state of bone tissue in comparison with calcium balance, to clarify the risk for fracture development in women of different age groups. METHODS. 92 females aged 19 to 89 years were examined clinically with densitometry of lumbar spine and femoral neck and measuring the concentration of total calcium in the blood. RESULTS. In females younger than 50 years decreased bone density according to Z-score was revealed in 30% of cases, among patients with its normal values significant trend to bone rarefaction (-2.0 SD

About the authors

L A Fomina

Tver State Medical University

Tver, Russia

I A Zyabreva

Tver State Medical University

Tver, Russia


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© 2017 Fomina L.A., Zyabreva I.A.

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