Diode laser in dental practice

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The review presents the possibilities and experience of using diode lasers for treatment of oral inflammatory diseases. Earlier, low-intensity laser was used in dentistry only as a physiotherapeutic device. The laser applications range has expanded significantly with the advent of new technologies. Diode laser has a high level of safety, so it can be used in periodontics and endodontics without fear of tooth tissue structure damaging. In surgical dentistry, high-intensity laser radiation is used as an alternative to cutting and rotational instruments. Features of diode laser for surgical interventions are sterile conditions during the intervention and avoidance of bleeding during and after surgery, predicted depth of injury, high incision accuracy. Accumulated experience of using a diode laser shows good hemostatic effect, which leads to minimal recession of gingival margin. Many authors emphasize that postoperative scars are absent or are more tender and elastic, not constricting tissues. In comparison with traditional methods, use of laser scalpel can reduce epithelialization time of a wound by half. Also, a number of authors claim that the diode laser stimulates immune system, reduces pathogenicity of microflora, increases its sensitivity to antibiotics, positively regulates the function of dental cement in vitro. Use of laser technology improves the quality and effectiveness of ongoing treatment, reduces repeated paient visits, shortens treatment time, avoids relapses and complications. Due to this, the question of expanding the indications for diode lasers use in dentistry and improving the methods remains of current interest.

About the authors

E V Krikun

Kazan State Medical University

Email: helensand@mail.ru
Kazan, Russia

S L Blashkova

Kazan State Medical University

Email: helensand@mail.ru
Kazan, Russia


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