Medical and social portrait of families raising children with cerebral palsy

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Aim. To perform medical and social characterization of families raising children with cerebral palsy. Methods. The study was performed among families raising children with cerebral palsy and living in Omsk. It is a cross-sectional epidemiologic study. Survey of parents based on our developed questionnaire was performed. A total of 324 families took part in the study. The following factors were evaluated: family structure, character of relationship between members, social and living conditions, satisfaction with the quality of medical care. Results. Medical and social characterization was performed in families raising children with cerebral palsy. In 77% of cases a child was brought up in a traditional family (but in about half of the families after developing apparent abnormalities in a child and making a diagnosis of cerebral palsy, worsening of family relationships occurs). Due to necessity for taking care of the child with cerebral palsy, most of mothers are forced to quit their job that negatively affects the level of material wealth. Availability of their own accommodation was revealed in 64% of responders. Mother’s age at the time of birth of a child with cerebral palsy was primarily in the range from 25 to 29 years. A number of factors adversely affecting the health of children, both in the period of prenatal development and the newborn period: pregnancy with complications, acute respiratory viral infection during pregnancy, smoking during early pregnancy. Role of these factors in developing cerebral palsy was detected by a number of researchers. A number of difficulties met by the family members after bearing a child with developmental disabilities were identified (deterioration of family relationships, decline in material wealth, dissatisfaction with the quality of medical care). Conclusion. After making a diagnosis, family relationships worsen; most families have houses not adapted for defects of a child with cerebral palsy; some features of medical organizations service are revealed that might negatively affect the quality of medical care for children with cerebral palsy.

About the authors

E S Tkachenko

Omsk State Medical University

Omsk, Russia


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