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Vol 107, No 5 (2018)

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pages 4-8 views
pages 9-18 views

Zashchita teploobmennikov ot korrozii

Shishov V.V.
Refrigeration Technology. 2018;107(5):19-21
pages 19-21 views
pages 22-25 views

Rezul'taty analiza termodinamicheskoy effektivnosti sistem razdeleniya vozdukha s ispol'zovaniem absorbtsionnykh bromistolitievykh kholodil'nykh mashin

Galimova L.V., Sedoykin I.E.


The level of consumption of energy resources is the most important characteristic of industrial production, and it defines energy intensity and cost price of produce. The problem of reducing energy intensity may be solved using energy saving systems, in particular which are operating on the secondary resources. The result of the energy saving system operation consists in change of temperature drop values through the elements of the air separation plant. To define the degree of thermodynamic perfection of air separation plants and energy saving systems using the entropic and statistical analysis the calculation of specific work needed to compensate entropy generation in plant elements was carried out.
Refrigeration Technology. 2018;107(5):26-29
pages 26-29 views

Dvadtsat' let klinicheskoy ekspluatatsii otechestvennykh apparatov dlya obshchego krioterapevticheskogo vozdeystviya

Baranov A.Y., Shestakova O.A., Vasilenok A.V.


The paper presents the history of development of the method of a general cryotherapeutic impact on a patient to treat a number of diseases. At first, cryotherapeutic methods offered by Japanese T. Yamauchi were used when a scientific conception of these methods wasn’t elaborated yet, that led to some illfounded solutions. In particular, the method efficiency decreased by far caused by the replacement of nitrogen refrigerating systems by vaporcompression refrigeration at higher temperature. The definition of links between the parameters of a cryotherapeutic procedure, a temperature of cooling gas, a duration of a patient exposure to low temperatures and a positive effect reached to estimate which the duration of the analgesic effect (DAE) of the procedure was adopted, became the main scientific and practical task. The thermal theory of the method of the general cryotherapeutic impact that gives the possibility to calculate DAE and to give recommendations concerning the optimal temperature in the area of the cryotherapeutic impact is examined in the paper. The advantage of an individual scheme of the cryoprocedure application in comparison with a group scheme is shown. The problems of the equipment power consumption to conduct a total cryotherapeutic impact are considered.
Refrigeration Technology. 2018;107(5):30-35
pages 30-35 views

Primenenie metodov klassicheskoy termodinamiki v tsifrovoy ekonomike

Shishov V.V., Talyzin M.S.


Fast development of industry at present stage made to think over a new industrial revolution that will lead to great changes in all sectors of society. We often hear the expressions such as “digital economy”, “industry 4.0”, “the fourth industrial revolution” describing the running processes. According to the World Bank: The digital economy is a system of economic, social and cultural relations based on using digital informationcommunication technologies. In this paper, we’ll examine the use of classical laws of thermodynamics in combination with uptodate technologies.
Refrigeration Technology. 2018;107(5):36-39
pages 36-39 views

Issledovanie pokazateley kachestva i bezopasnosti myasorastitel'nykh rublenykh izdeliy

Kaukhcheshvili N.E., Dontsova N.T., Nitsenko T.P., Mashkova N.N.


Frozen meat and meat-vegetable ready meals are of great significance in the population nutrition. At present the theory of adequate nutrition assumed ever greater importance. In this regard the products corresponding to the principle of combination of ingredients of vegetable and animal produce should be promoted to the market. VNIKHI elaborated the technologies of production of quickfrozen meatvegetable minced ready meals at high nutritive value and long term storage. The studies of long term storage concerning stability of microbiological indices were carried out.
Refrigeration Technology. 2018;107(5):40-43
pages 40-43 views

Obespechennost' strany geliem - klyuch k uspeshnoy nezavisimoy ekonomike Rossii budushchego

Skryabina E.A.


Заседание Комитета по холодильной и криогенной промышленности на тему «Стратегия развития гелиевой промышленности России» состоялось 18 апреля 2018 г. в АО «Рособоронэкспорт». Организаторы мероприятия - Россоюзхолодпром (РСХП) и Союз машиностроителей России (Союзмаш России). С приветственным словом к собравшимся обратился председатель Комитета по холодильной и криогенной промышленности, председатель Правления Россоюзхолодпрома Ю.Н. Дубровин. Важность рассматриваемой темы подчеркнули в своих выступлениях модераторы заседания - заместитель председателя Комитета по холодильной и криогенной промышленности, генеральный директор ОАО «НПО «Гелиймаш» В.Н. Удут и заместитель исполнительного директора Союза машиностроителей России Н.В. Попова.
Refrigeration Technology. 2018;107(5):44-47
pages 44-47 views

Monreal'skomu protokolu 30 let: vyzovy XXI veka i global'nye transformatsii

Tsvetkov O.B., Laptev Y.A.
Refrigeration Technology. 2018;107(5):48-54
pages 48-54 views
pages 55-55 views

Novye patenty Rossii po kholodil'noy tekhnike i teplovym nasosam

Rukavishnikov A.M.
Refrigeration Technology. 2018;107(5):56-60
pages 56-60 views

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