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卷 104, 编号 4 (2015)


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Vserossiyskomu nauchnoissledovatel'skomu institutu kholodil'noy promyshlennosti 85 let

Belozerov G., Tvorogova A.
制冷技术. 2015;104(4):4-7
pages 4-7 views
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Farmina. Kompressor F28 GEA Bock s vneshnim privodom

Shishov V.
制冷技术. 2015;104(4):13-13
pages 13-13 views
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Novye vozmozhnosti snizheniya sily soprotivleniya skol'zheniyu v ledovykh vidakh sporta

Goncharova G., Nikiforova I.


The article presents a new approach to solve the problem of reducing the friction force when the sliding surfaces of sports apparatuses interact with ice. The qualitative analysis of major factors impacting on the resistance to sliding of blades and sledge runners is given, the algorithm of further minimization of deformation and molecular components of the friction force is offered. Also technical characteristics of surfaces of real sports apparatuses are cited and the methods of their additional processing based on the analogy with natural surfaces at minimal adhesion with water are offered. The impact of physical and chemical properties of a liquid film in the zone of the contact of a skate with ice as a factor of an adhesion component of friction is grounded. The possibilities of modern laser technologies in the field of formation of an artificial structure at “double roughness” on sliding surfaces of blades identical to the structure of the lotus leaf are described. The results of experimental studies of sliding properties of blades with different types of additional processing are presented. The results confirm the advantages of the structure at “double roughness” to reduce the total resistance force to sliding. Keywords: structure at “double roughness”, laser processing, sliding friction, lotus effect
制冷技术. 2015;104(4):25-28
pages 25-28 views

Kriorezistivnyy metod kontrolya urovnya zhidkogo azota v kriogennykh rezervuarakh

Kolosov -., Emel'yanov V.


The enhancement of economic efficiency of the use of the capacitive cryogenic equipment is reached thanks to the increase of its unit volume and turnover. But the requirements to accuracy of the control of the charge level of large vessels with cryoagents increase too. The control of the liquid level in the vessels is one of the main functions of the control system that directly influences their safety. Modern level sensors may be mechanical, hydrostatic, conductometric, acoustic, radioactive, capacitive, thermoelectric and thermoresistive according to their operation principle. Thermoresistive sensors are the most reliable and sensitive. The modern development of technology of composite high temperatures superconductors (HTSC) gives the possibility to use them for creation of sensors of level measurement of cryogenic liquids. The article deals with development and investigation of a thermoresistive sensor that is simple, convenient, has low heat inflows to cryoagent, that possesses good metrological, inertial and economic indices based on high temperature superconductors. The results of modeling of heat exchange of HTSC with liquid nitrogen, operation characteristics of HTSC as well as the data of tests of a prototype model of a liquid nitrogen level gauge are cited. Keywords: method of control of cryogenic liquids level, thermoresistive sensor, high temperature superconductor.
制冷技术. 2015;104(4):29-33
pages 29-33 views

Analiz metodov polucheniya okolokriogennykh temperatur

Marinyuk B., Porutchikov A., Nikitkina G.


A high need of nearcryogenic temperatures at -150…-100 оC level arises in applied fields of refrigeration. These temperatures are needed for different processes beginning from shock freezing of products to imitation installations for tests under extreme conditions. The obtaining temperatures of this range has some special features linked with a compressor operation, oil behavior in apparatuses (in case of vaporcompression cascade refrigerating machine), selection of low temperature refrigerant and constructional material that are able to work under such temperatures. The description of most acceptable methods of obtaining temperatures at 130 оC level to reveal the disadvantages and advantages of each of them is given. As variants are examined: vaporcompression cascade refrigerating plant; turboair refrigerating machine; gas refrigerating machine operating on Stirling reverse cycle and vacuumevaporation refrigerating plant. The diagrams of all abovenamed plants are given. The dynamics of reduction of temperatures in the case of vacuum pumping of solid carbon as a working substance is theoretically studied. The dependences of temperatures produced during vapors exhausting on the time of exhausting for different masses of solid carbon dioxide are cited. The method of comparison of refrigerating plants is projected. Keywords: nearcryogenic temperatures, methods of obtaining temperatures at 130 оC, vacuumevaporation refrigerating machines, solid carbon dioxide.
制冷技术. 2015;104(4):34-37
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