
Emergency surgery for locally advanced colorectal cancer in palliative patients
Antonov A., Komarov R., Perekhodov S., Filimonyuk-Smelkov A., Antonov K., Antonov A., Gorenkov R., Antonov Y.
Possibilities and effectiveness of dental rehabilitation using dental and zygomatic implants
Muzykin M., Grebnev G., Iordanishvili A., Balin D., Musienko A.
Surgical complications of alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver: experience of organizing a treatment and diagnostic process in a multidisciplinary hospital
Belyakin S., Pavlov A., Fokin Y., Filippov A.
Anticoagulant therapy after discharge from hospital in patients with COVID-19.
Demyanenko А., Afonaskov О., Zelenov М., Pogozhiy Y.
Value and structure of isolated limb injuries in modern local conflicts
Esipov A., Sukhorukov A., Musailov V., Abdulaev K., Shorokhov P., Mokhnatov E.
Experience in medical rehabilitation of patients who have undergone COVID-19 in the health resorts of the North Caucasian health resort complex of the Russian Ministry of Defense
Antonov P., Sitnikov О., Dolgikh S., Kirsanova А., Kovlen D., Abuseva G., Adkhamov B., Shishkin Y.
Stages of formation of aortoenteric fistula after operations on the abdominal aorta and methods for its prevention
Kitachev K., Sazonov A., Khubulava G., Volkov A., Vvedensky M., Pugachev P., Akhadov R., Sizenko V., Nagibovich R.
On gunshot wounds of the rectum (Literature review)
Kim I., Panov V., Musailov V., Starokon P., Potapov V., Galik N.
Experience in the treatment of hemorrhagic complications in a patient with a new coronavirus infection on the background of anticoagulant therapy
Krainyukov P., Demyanenko A., Skorobogatov V., Efremov K., Kim E., Efremova A.
Prevention of infectious and inflammatory complications after odontectomy in military personnel using an antiseptic hydrogel.
Grebnev G., Iordanishvili A., Muzykin M., Lyskov N., Korovin N.
On advantages of spinal anesthesia during penile surgery
Myagkov Y., Samoilov A., Kazantsev S., Myagkova A.
Peculiarities of the course of the repeated outhospital pneumonia by compulsory-duty servicemen
Lebedeva M., Grishchenko A.
Tracheostomy in the process of prolonged artificial pulmonary ventilation in patients with polytrauma
Samokhvalov I., Gavrilin S., Badalov V., Nedomolkin S., Meshakov D., Khrapov K., Vasilyev M.
Gotrone skin carcinoid papillomatosis
Ufimtseva M., Bochkarev Y., Gagiev V., Nikulin I., Vorozheikina I., Gurkovskaya E.
Therapeutic morbidity rate among female military personnel, with exposure to occupational hazards in the period of service in the Armed Forces its influence on the course of pregnancy and fetal development
Hegrusha N., Gordienko A., Shmidt A.
Treatment of alveolitis in the military medical organizations of the dental offices of military units
Iordanishvili A., Grebnev G., Muzykin M., Korovin N., Lyskov N.
Methods of prevention of thromboembolic complications in patients with atrial fibrillation
Patsenko M., Steklov V., Ivanov S., Danilov Y., Nugaeva N.
Diagnosis and treatment of complications after femoral artery paracentesis
Belyakin S., Pinchuk O., Ivanov A., Polyakov I.
Heart contusion in case of closed chest injuries: etiology, diagnosis, severity of heart damage (literature review)
Denisov A., Kuzmin A., Gavrilin S., Meshakov D., Suprun T., Zhirnova N., Demchenko K., Dmitrieva E.
Rational perioperative prevention of infectious and inflammatory complications of prostate surgery
Krainyukov P., Bonetsky B.
Hip replacement in military personnel
Maksimov I., Panyushin K., Brizhan L., Buryachenko B., Varfolomeyev D., Pimanchev O.
Optimization of the results of treatment of infectious complications of the sternotoma wound in cardiosurgical patients.
Kokhan E., Dolgikh R., Asanov O., Potapov V., Melnikova Y.
The experience of using ultrasonic navigation of nerves with blockade of the brachial plexus and large nerves of the lower limb
Azbarov A., Apevalov S., Kalinin A., Sinitsin M.
Mistakes and complications in internal osteosynthesis in patients with fractures of long bones
Shapovalov V., Khominets V., Mikhaylov S., Shakun D., Foos I.
Early complications of endovascular prosthetic abdominal aortic aneurysm.
Esipov A., Pinchuk O., Obraztsov A., Yamenskov V., Zharikov S., Abrosimov A.
Experience of the use of wound dressing «Nano-Aseptic» as a mean of purulent complications prevention
Stetsenko B., Diveev V., Siryakov M., Ivanov G., Isaev K., Ivanova G.
Acute cholangitis in interstenosis space accompanied by two-component unit of the main bile duct
Yurchenko V.
Frequency and nature of complications and their outcomes in military personnel with extremities injures received in a counterterrorist operation
Bulavin V., Kalmanov A., Remizov Y., Amirov A., Antonov A.
Psycho-emotional state of urological patients with combination therapy to prevent purulent-inflammatory postoperative complications
Esipov A., Kochetov A., Parshin V., Fokin Y., Stegantsev D., Kochetov A.
Possibilities of pharmacotherapy of diabetes acute complications when delivering urgent and emergency aid
Miroshnichenko Y., Khalimov Y., Shcherba M., Klochkova I., Merkulov A., Borisov D.
Use of lymphotropic and NO-therapy in the treatment of certain urological diseases
Ragimov I., Esipov A.
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