Effects of the long-acting garlic tablets "Allicor" on the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections in children

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Aim. To elucidate the prospects administration of allicor (long-releasing garlic tablets) in prevention of acute respiratory diseases (ARD) in children vs benzimidazole (dibazole).
Material and methods. At the first stage, tolerance of allicor (600 mg/day) and its effects on ARD morbidity were investigated in an opened 5-month study in 172 children aged 7-16 years compared to 468 controls. As the second stage, the effects of allicor (300 mg/day) on ASRD morbidity were investigated in a double-blind placebo-controlled randomized 5-month trial in 42 children aged 10-12 years in comparison with 41 placebo-treated children and 73 benzimidazole-treated children. Results. At the first stage of the study allicor was not observed to induce gastrointestinal side effects in children at any dosage while ARD morbidity was reduced 2-4-fold as compared to the controls. At the second stage of the study allicor reduced ARD morbidity 1.7-fold compared to placebo and 2.4-fold vs benzimidazole. There was no significant difference in ARD morbidity between placebo- and benzimidazole-treated groups. Health index in allicor-treated group was 1.5-fold higher as compared either to placebo- or benzimidazole-treated children.
Conclusion. Thus, the results of this study have demonstrated that allicor is effective for non-specific prevention of acute respiratory infections in children and has no side effects. ARD prevention with benzimidazole appeared ineffective in placebo-controlled study, so the development of new useful and safe preparations is of ultimate importance.


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