Arterial hypertension, its metabolic aspects and function of the kidneys inconvalescents after hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome

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Aim. To characterize late convalescence after hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS), i.e.
metabolic disorders and their relation with arterial pressure (AP) and renal function.
Material and methods. 202 HFRS convalescents were followed up with measurements of AP, purin,
carbohydrate and lipid metabolisms, study of glomerular and tubular dysfunctions.
Results. A stable rise of arterial pressure registered in 24% HFRS convalescents was associated with
intraglomerular hypertension, affected concentration ability of the kidneys and tubular transport of/32-
microglobulin in the presence of metabolic disorders: hyperuricemia, hyperinsulinemia and hyperlipidemia
of type I la. A significant correlation was found between arterial hypertension and renal dysfunction
and metabolic disorders.
Conclusion. Late convalescence after HFRS is characterized by glomerular and tubular dysfunctions,
persistent elevation of AP and hormonal-metabolic atherogenic and diabetogenic disturbances.


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