Prehospital hypo- and hyperdiagnosis of non-Q myocardial infarction

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Aim. To estimate prevalence of hypo- and hyperdiagnosis of поп-Q myocardial infacrtion (MI). Material and methods. The results of prehospital diagnosis of MI in 1500 patients examined in 19921996 are reported. Estimation was conducted in different clinico-electrocardiographic and clinico-demographic groups.
Results. Non-Q MI occurred in 74.1% cases. Non-Q and Q MI ran atypically in 33.0 and 12.9% patients, respectively (p < 0.01). Hypo- and hyperdiagnosis of Q and non-Q MI was made in 3.8 and 2.1, 17.3 and 35.9%, respectively. In typical and atypical MI hypodiagnosis was made in 13.4 and 21.2% cases, respectively, while hyperdiagnosis was observed in 19.9 and 45.8% (p < 0.01). The MI hyper/hypodiagnosis coefficient was highest in patients under 45 years of age (2.6%) and in repeated MI(2.5).
Conclusion. Misdiagnosis of non-Q MI is most essential in epidemiology of missed diagnosis in this disease. High incidence of hypo- and hyperdiagnosis in non-Q MI as well as atypical MI are explained by objective difficulty of prehospital diagnosis in these MI variants and high MI alertness of the doctors in low significance of the disease.

About the authors

O A Pankin


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