Therapy of acute massive blood loss in a hemophiliac male: case report

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A case is reported of management of massive intraoperative blood loss in a male patient with severe hemophilia. Extirpation of hip pseudotumor with one-stage osteosynthesis with an intramedullary joint-pin in a 43 year old male patient was accompanied with 7.5 l blood loss. The infusion-transfusion therapy (ITT) contained transfusion media about 1/3 of the total volume, fresh-frozen plasma and erythrocyte-containing media were used 1:1. Infusion solutions consisted of balanced polyelectrolytic solutions, hydroxyethylated starches 130/0.4, hyperchaes. Intraoperative normovolemic hemodilution and reinfusion of wound blood were made (CellSaver). ITT target markers were standard hemodynamics control tests. Hemostasis monitoring was conducted with thromboelastography. Complex ITT based on modern principles of clinical transfusiology provided a complete and safe compensation of massive intraoperative blood loss in a patient with severe hemophilia.

About the authors

Andrey Yul'evich Bulanov


Elena Markovna Shulutko

Evgeniy Evgen'evich Karpov


Tat'yana Yur'evna Polyanskaya


Georgiy Vladimirovich Mishin

Sergey Aleksandrovich Morozov


Nikolay Nikolaevich Kalinin

Aleksandr Vladimirovich Tochenov

Konstantin Vladimirovich Yatskov

Vladimir Yur'evich Zorenko

Magomed Sultanovich Sampiev

A Yu Bulanov

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

E M Shulutko

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

E E Karpov

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

T Yu Polyanskaya

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

G V Mishin

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

S A Morozov

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

N N Kalinin

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

A V Tochenov

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

K V Yatskov

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

V Yu Zorenko

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

M S Sampiev

Hematological Research Center, Moscow

Hematological Research Center, Moscow


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