Perspectives of prevention and treatment of Herpes Symplex with regular recurrence

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Aim. To assess efficacy of two-stage treatment of severe genital herpes (GH) with regular recurrences: combined use of antivirus medicines with interferon preparations and its inductors followed by antirecurrence vaccine therapy.
Material and methods. Two-stage treatment was given to 100 patients suffering from GH with severe regular recurrences. One-stage treatment included famvir in combination with interferon(viferon) or interferon inductors (amixin,cycloferon) and antioxidants. Stage two treatment consisted of vaccine therapy of patients who failed prophylactic standard vaccination by allergometric technique.
Results. The first stage treatment prolonged recurrence-free period 2-3-fold in more than 85% patients, improved quality of life. Stage-two treatment resulted in long-term clinicoimmunological remission which is necessary for conduction of anti-recurrence vaccine treatment.
Conclusion. Changes in therapeutic-preventive policy in patients with recurrent GH with regular recurrence (2 stage of treatment) prolong recurrence-free intervals, improve quality of life and social adaptation of patients.

About the authors

Valeriy Aleksandrovich Isakov


Dmitriy Konstantinovich Ermolenko

Dmitriy Valer'evich Isakov

V A Isakov

I.P. Pavlov State Medical University, St-Petersburg

I.P. Pavlov State Medical University, St-Petersburg

D K Ermolenko

L. Paster Research Institute of Experimental Medicine

L. Paster Research Institute of Experimental Medicine

D V Isakov

Research Institute of Experimental Medicine, St-Petersburg

Research Institute of Experimental Medicine, St-Petersburg


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