Clinical efficiency and tolerance of hydrogensulfide balneotherapy in hypertensive patients living in theclimate of arid zone

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Aim. To examine clinical efficiency and safety of moderate hydrogen sulfide (HS) baths in the treatment
of hypertensive patients living in arid zones.
Material and methods. Sixty patients with stable essential hypertension (EH) of stage I-1 I according
to WHO classification living in arid climate took sparing HS baths. Efficiency of the baths was assessed
by changes in blood pressure (BP), 24-h monitoring ofBP.
Results. It is shown that systolic and diastolic BP after HS balneotherapy fell significantly both in
daytime and at night. The 24-h profile of BP improved, heart rate decreased by 4.3%, physiological
fluctuations of BP and BP variability were not damaged.
Conclusion. Moderate HS baths are recommended for wider use in a hot climate of the arid zone as
an effective and safe method of balneotherapy which can be adjuvant to basic medication of EH.

About the authors

Z R Zunnunov


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