
Finerenone cardiorenal effects and its placement in treatment of chronic kidney disease in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A review
Salukhov V., Shamkhalova M., Duganova A.
Empagliflozin and heart failure: position paper of the experts on the results of the online meeting and discussion of the EMPEROR-Preserved Trial
Arutyunov G., Lopatin Y., Ametov A., Ageev F., Antsiferov M., Villevalde S., Vinogradova N., Galstyan G., Galyavich A., Gilyarevskiy S., Glezer M., Zhirov I., Ilyin M., Lebedeva A., Nedogoda S., Salukhov V., Tarlovskaya E., Tereshchenko S., Fomin I., Khalimov I., Khasanov N., Cherkashin D., Yakushin S.
Hyperuricemia and kidney damage in patients with cardiovascular disease: A review
Mironova O.
Chronic kidney disease and chronic heart failure: impact on prognosis and choice of pathogenetic therapy
Mezhonov E., Reitblat O., Vyalkina Y., Airapetian A., Lazareva N., Ageev F., Blankova Z., Svirida O., Prints Y., Zhirov I., Tereshchenko S., Boytsov S.
End products of glycation (AGEs) and inflammation in the clinic of cardiovascular complications and vascular calcification at different stages of chronic kidney disease (G1–G5D)
Fatima D., Remizov O., Ikoeva Z., Tedeeva I., Gusalov A., Goloeva V.
Clinical significance of uremic toxin indoxyl sulfate and inflammation in the development of vascular calcification and cardiovascular complications in stage C3–C5D chronic kidney disease
Dzgoeva F., Remizov O., Goloeva V., Ikoeva Z.
Anemia and quality of life of chronic kidney disease patients on renal replacement therapy by programmed hemodialysis
Kotenko O., Abolyan L., Kuteinikov V., Vinogradov V., Fomin V.
The National Consensus statement on the management of adult patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and main comorbidities
Maevskaya M., Kotovskaya Y., Ivashkin V., Tkacheva O., Troshina E., Shestakova M., Breder V., Geyvandova N., Doshchitsin V., Dudinskaya E., Ershova E., Kodzoeva K., Komshilova K., Korochanskaya N., Mayorov A., Mishina E., Nadinskaya M., Nikitin I., Pogosova N., Tarzimanova A., Shamkhalova M.
Albuminuria as a marker of atherosclerosis burden and a possible predictor of adverse events in patients with polyvascular disease
Shakhmatova O., Komarov A., Krivosheeva E., Dobrovolsky A., Titaeva E., Amelyushkina V., Gomyranova N., Panchenko E.
Frailty and chronic kidney disease – the real problem of modern nephrology: A review
Rudenko T., Bobkova I., Kamyshova E., Stavrovskaya E.
Prevalence, age and gender features of chronic kidney disease in patients with diabetes mellitus
Murkamilov I., Aitbaev K., Fomin V.
Clinical significance of serum levels of osteoproteherin and sclerostin in assessment of vascular calcification in chronic kidney disease stage 3–5
Dzgoeva F., Remizov O., Botcieva V., Goloeva V., Malakhova N., Ikoeva Z.
Clinical effectiveness and pharmacokinetics of gliflozin from the point of view of individual genetic characteristics: A review
Golovina E., Vaizova O., Meleshko M., Samoilova I., Podchinenova D., Borozinets A., Matveeva M., Kudlay D.
Factors associated with a reduction in glomerular filtration rate in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Bolotova E., Dudnikova A.
State-of-the-art trends in the treatment of immune-mediated inflammatory kidney diseases: Translation of the fundamental science into clinical practice. A review
Bulanov N., Moiseev S.
Soy protein as part of a low-protein diet is a new direction in cardio- and nephroprotection in patients with 3B–4 stages of chronic kidney disease: prospective, randomized, controlled clinical study
Milovanova L., Taranova M., Volkov A., Milovanova S., Beketov V.
COVID-19 in haemodialysis patients: result analysis of the first year of the pandemic
Zubkin M., Frolova N., Kim I., Ushakova A., Usatiuk S., Iskhakov R., Diakova E., Chervinko V., Volodina E., Tomilina N., Kryukov E.
Anemia of chronic diseases in the early stages of chronic kidney disease as a risk factor for cardiovascular complications in patients with glomerulonephritis
Markina M., Milovanova L., Lysenko L., Milovanova S., Volkov A., Beketov V., Lebedeva M., Nezhdanov K., Moiseev S.
Venous thromboembolic complications in patients with chronic kidney disease: prevalence and features of drug treatment
Dzhioeva O., Orlova A., Rogozhkina E., Drapkina O.
Resolution of the Expert Forum "New therapeutic horizons of NAFLD"
Drapkina O., Martynov A., Arutyunov G., Bakulin I., Livzan M., Maev I., Egorov I.
Sub-analyses of the DAPA-CKD study: new data on the use of sodium-glucose cotransporter type 2 inhibitor in the treatment of chronic kidney disease
Shamkhalova M., Sukhareva O., Shestakova M.
Nephropathy in Fabry disease: possibilities for the radical improvement of prognosis for orphan diseases
Fomin V., Pulin A., Mukhin N.
Current challenges for therapy of comorbid patients: a new look at celecoxib. A review
Zyryanov S., Baybulatova E.
The role of mineralocorticoid receptors hyperactivation in the development of cardiorenal complications in patients with diabetes mellitus, perspective of the selective nonsteroidal mineralocorticoid receptors antagonist’s treatment: A review
Bobkova I.
The agreed experts’ position of the Eurasian Association of Therapists on tactics of management of patients with comorbid pathology infected with SARS-Cov-2
Arutiunov G., Tarlovskaia E., Koziolova N., Boldina M., Batiushin M., Ametov A., Arutiunov A., Belevskii A., Galstian G., Grigor’eva N., Dzhunusbekova G., Esaian A., Mal’chikova S., Mit’kovskaia N., Mkrtumian A., Orlova I., Petrova M., Rebrov A., Ruzanov D., Salukhov V., Sisakian A., Skibitskii V., Sugraliev A., Fomin I., Khalimov I., Chesnikova A., Shaposhnik I., Shestakova M.
Polyvascular disease in patients with myocardial infarction and chronic kidney disease
Karetnikova V., Kalaeva V., Evseeva M., Gruzdeva O., Zykov M., Kashtalap V., Barbarash O.
What we do and do not know about women and kidney diseases; Questions unanswered and answers unquestioned: Reflection on World Kidney Day and International Woman’s Day
Piccoli G., Alrukhaimi M., Zhi-Hong L., Zakharova E., Levin A.
Urinary excretion of angiogenesis regulatory factors and renal injury markers in chronic glomerulonephritis: Significance in the assessment of progression
Shvetsov M., Zheng A., Kozlovskaya L., Serova A., Travkina E., Mukhin N.
Nephrological aspects of surgical weight correction in morbid obesity
Bobkova I., Gussaova S., Stavrovskaya E., Struve A.
Endothelial dysfunction and arterial wall stiffness: New targets in diabetic nephropathy
Murkamilov I., Sabirov I., Fomin V., Yusupov F.
Cystatin C is a new marker for left ventricular hypertrophy in patients with chronic kidney disease
Vasilyeva M., Rudenko T., Kutyrina I., Solomakhina N.
Milovanov Y., Milovanova L.
Renal experiences of bariatric surgery in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Larina I., Severina A., Shamkhalova M., Shestakova M.
Anticoagulant therapy in patients with atrial fibrillation and reduced kidney function of diabetic and non-diabetic etiologies
Sokolova A., Daabul I., Tsarev I., Napalkov D., Fomin V.
Impact of anemia correction on the production of the circulating morphogenetic protein α-Klotho in patients with Stages 3B—4 chronic kidney disease: A new direction of cardionephroprotection
Milovanov Y., Mukhin N., Kozlovskaya L., Milovanova S., Markina M.
Osteoprotegerin and fibroblast growth factor 23 in the development of cardiovascular events in chronic kidney disease
Dzgoeva F., Gatagonova T., Bestaeva T., Sopoev M., Bazaeva B., Khamitsaeva O.
Chronic kidney disease and vascular dementia
Mukhin N., Fomin V., Damulin I., Rogova I.
Diagnostic value of cystatin C and neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin in primary glomerulopathies
Proletov I., Saganova E., Galkina O., Zubina I., Bogdanova E., Sipovskiĭ V., Smirnov A.
Risk factors for diastolic left ventricular myocardial dysfunction in patients with chronic kidney disease
Rudenko T., Kamyshova E., Vasilyeva M., Bobkova I., Solomakhina N., Shvetsov M.
Chronic kidney disease and atrial fibrillation as components of the cardiorenal continuum
Mukhin N., Glybochko P., Svistunov A., Fomin V., Kiyakbaev G.
Risk factors for cardiovascular system damage in chronic kidney disease
Kutyrina I., Rudenko T., Savel'eva S., Shvetsov M., Vasil'eva M.
The serum level of the morphogenetic protein fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF-23) as a marker for the efficiency of hyperphosphatemia therapy with phosphate-binding agents in chronic kidney disease
Mukhin N., Milovanov Y., Kozlovskaya L., Dobrosmyslov I., Milovanova L.
Nonglycemic effects of incretins in patients with long-term type 1 diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney disease
Arutyunova M., Glazunova A., Mikhaleva O., Zuraeva Z., Martynov S., Klefortova I., Manchenko O., Ulyanova I., Ilyin A., Shamkhalova M., Shestakova M.
Fibroblast growth factor 23 and a novel high-sensitivity troponin I: Early markers and alternative ways of damaging the heart in chronic kidney disease
Dzgoeva F., Sopoev M., Gatagonova T., Bestaeva T., Khamitsaeva O.
The significance of natriuretic peptides in the evaluation of water-salt metabolism in chronic kidney disease
Pulin A., Kustova T., Fomin V., Mukhin N.
Renal anemia and cardiac remodeling in patient with chronic glomerulonephritis
Murkamilov I., Lunegova O., Kaliev R.
Test strip evaluation of albuminuria for the early detection of chronic kidney disease in persons at different risks (the experience of the Health Centers of the Moscow Region)
Nagaĭtseva S., Shaliagin I., Shvetsov M., Piagaĭ N., Ivanova E., Shilov E.
Pentoxifylline and nephroprotection: effects on renal dysfunction and cardiovascular risks
Murkamilov I., Aitbaev K., Fomin V., Murkamilova Z., Bayzhigitova A.
Radionuclide evaluation of renal function in essential hypertensive patients with chronic kidney disease
Musina N., Semenova R.
Saginova E., Gallyamov M., Balatsky A., Kolotvin A., Severova M., Samokhodskaya L., Fomin V., Krasnova T., Mukhin N.
1 - 50 的 54 信息 1 2 > >> 


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