The experience of using of comprehensive rehabilitation program with dietary supplements Osteomed Forte in patients with a jsteoporotic distal forearm fracture

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The aim of this work was to assess the effectiveness of comprehensive rehabilitation of patients with a osteoporoticdistal forearmfracture with the inclusion of dietary supplement Osteomed Forte. Material and methods. The study group consisted of 17 men and women over the age of 50 years with a low-traumaticdistal forearm fracture within 1-60 days prior to inclusion in the study and with signs of successful fracture consolidation. Patients were assigned a rehabilitation complex lasting 20 days (3 weeks), aimed at restoring the functions and fine motor skills of the injured arm. During the rehabilitation period, as well as in the next 5 weeks of observation, patients received dietary supplement Osteomed Forte in a dosage of 4 tablets a day. Results. The use of complexrehabilitation program was associated with an increase in the quality of life and a decrease in the level of depression and anxiety in 2 months in patients with osteoporoticdistal forearm fracture. There was also an increase in serum calcium and phosphate level, as well as a decrease in the bone remodelingrate. Good tolerability of a comprehensive rehabilitation course was revealed.

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About the authors

O. Yurova

M-Clinica, Moscow

L. Marchenkova

National Medical Research Center of Rehabilitation and Balneology


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