Possibilities of using the disinfectant Anolyte ANC Super in healthcare facilities

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The paper provides information about the use of electrochemically activated anolyte for disinfection in healthcare facilities. It presents the data of studies that have shown that the agent has a high antimicrobial activity against a broad spectrum of pathogenic microorganisms. The complex of equipment produced by the «Delfin Aqua» for the preparation of the agent Anolyte ANC Super can be recommended for use in the healthcare facilities, which will be able to produce a ready-to-use disinfectant in the required amounts. This agent has a minimum toxicity class and is environmentally friendly, as the product of its natural degradation is fresh water.

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About the authors

L. G Ipatova

«Delfin Aqua»

Email: larissa_ipatova@bk.ru
Doctor of Engineering Sciences Moscow

S. D Marchenko

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University) Ministry of Health of Russia; N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research University

Email: larissa_ipatova@bk.ru
Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences Moscow

T. V Potupchik

Prof. V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University Ministry of Health of Russia

Email: larissa_ipatova@bk.ru
Candidate of Medical Sciences


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