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Infantile cerebral palsy (ICP) occupies the first place in the structure of neurological disability in children. The authors identify whether movement disorders can be more effectively corrected through selective electrotherapy in combination with biomechanotherapy during the use of botulinum toxin type A while rehabilitating children with spastic forms of ICP. The incorporation of new methods for correcting movement disorders into a comprehensive rehabilitation program for spastic forms of ICP can considerably increase both the effectiveness and sustainability of treatment results, which will be able to substantially reduce the time and frequency of hospital admissions and the financial costs for the rehabilitation of this category of patients.




O. Berdina

Research Center for Family Health and Human Reproduction

Candidate of Medical Sciences Irkutsk

V. Mikhnovich

Research Center for Family Health and Human Reproduction


T. Belogorova

Research Center for Family Health and Human Reproduction

Candidate of Medical Sciences Irkutsk

A. Vlasenko

Research Center for Family Health and Human Reproduction

Candidate of Medical Sciences Irkutsk

S. Bolshakova

Research Center for Family Health and Human Reproduction

Candidate of Medical Sciences Irkutsk

O. Bugun

Research Center for Family Health and Human Reproduction

MD Irkutsk

L. Rychkova

Research Center for Family Health and Human Reproduction

MD, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences Irkutsk


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