Detection of a progressive dysplastic nevus by a primary care physician: the way to the prevention and early diagnosis of cutaneous melanoma



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Cutaneous melanoma is a rather rare malignant tumor that arises from epidermal melanocytes. The tumor is noted for late diagnosis and high mortality, which necessitates focusing efforts to identify and excise melanoma precursors - dysplastic nevi. These nevi are characterized by the presence of lentiginous melanocytic dysplasia (LMD), which is associated with their ability to transform into melanoma. Material and methods. A total of 178 pigmented masses with a clinical diagnosis of progressive dysplastic nevus (grade 3 LMD) were excised in the Central Polyclinic of the Literary Fund in 2009 to January 2020. The patients were referred to an oncologist by therapists, dermatologists, and other specialists of the polyclinic. Results. Histological examination revealed 133 dysplastic nevi. Twenty-eight (15.7%) patients were found to have grade 3 LMD; 17 (9.5%) patients had early melanoma that developed in 7 cases in the presence of LMD. Conclusion. The aim of this study is to draw the attention of primary care physicians to the problem of progressive dysplastic nevi (grade 3 LMD), the early detection and excision of which will ultimately contribute to the prevention and early diagnosis of melanoma and, as a consequence, reduce mortality from this disease.




O. Romanova

ZAO «Central Polyclinic of the Literary Fund»

Candidate of Medical Sciences Moscow

N. Artemieva

ZAO «Central Polyclinic of the Literary Fund»

Candidate of Medical Sciences Moscow

Yu. Sotnikova

ZAO «Central Polyclinic of the Literary Fund»



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