Markers of the hemostatic and fibrinolytic systems in patients with surgical tuberculosis who have experienced COVID-19



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The paper presents the results of a comparative study of the hemostatic and fibrinolytic systems in 16 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis (PT), who experienced COVID-19, and in 18 patients with PT without COVID-19, who were admitted to the clinic of the Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis for surgical treatment. In the preoperative period, PT patients who had experienced COVID-19 showed a hypercoagulation shift in the plasma component of the hemostatic system, which was accompanied by hyperthrombinemia and compensatory activation of the fibrinolysis system. This was evidenced by a shortened activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) and an elevated D-dimer level. Analysis of the results of investigating the markers of the hemostatic and fibrinolytic systems revealed a hypercoagulation shift determined by a shortened aPTT index, an elevated fibrinogen level, a decreased thrombin time and antithrombin III level, and an increased D-dimer level in both groups one day after surgery. At the same time, the most pronounced hypercoagulation shift was observed in patients with PT who had experienced COVID-19.




R. Abdullaev

Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis

Professor Moscow

O. Komissarova

Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis; N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

MD Moscow

E. Krasnikova

Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis

MD Moscow

M. Bagirov

Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis

MD Moscow

A. Ergeshov

Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis

MD; Professor Moscow


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