The structure of mortality and potential years life lost from respiratory diseases of the population of economically active age (15-72 years) of the Russian Federation in 2019



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Goal. Analysis of the nosological structure of the main causes of death and (PYLL) In the economically active age In the respiratory disease (RD) in the Russian Federation In 2019. Material and methods. The study used Rosstat data obtained at the request of the NMIC TPM on the average annual population and the number of deaths In one-year age groups based on the «Brief nomenclature of Causes of death of Rosstat» (KNPSR) In 2019 The analysis includes 17 «reasons» that are taken Into account In a separate line in this nomenclature. Mortality rates and PYLL were calculated for the economically active age (15-72years) using the computer program No. 216661114. Results Among the population of economically active age, malignant neoplasms (MN) of the respiratory organs accounted for 51,36% of male deaths in the RD class and 42,17% of female deaths. The share of PYLL is 40,3% and 32,1%, respectively. Acute respiratory diseases (A RD), Including influenza, pneumonia and pumlent necrotic diseases occupied the 2-nd place both in the structure of MR (21% for men and 28% for women, respectively), and PYLL (31 and 37%, respectively), chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD) - the 3-rd place in the stmcture of PS (13%). Higher MR values were found In men compared to women: In the group of MN by 5.8 times, COPD and tuberculosis by 4,7 times, acute respiratory infections, Including influenza, pneumonia and purulent necrotic diseases, by 3,6 times. The indicators of PYLL in men were higher than in women: in the group of RD by 5,5 times, COPD and tuberculosis by 4,3 times, acute respiratory infections, including influenza, pneumonia and purulent necrotic diseases, by 3,6 times. Conclusions. In addition to MN and COPD, ARD makes a significant contribution to the mortality from RD at an economically active age. Acute respiratory infections and tuberculosis play a great role in the structure of PYLL. MR and PYLL from are significantly higher among men than among women. The use of PYLL is important for an adequate assessment of the significance of losses, especially for young people In the category of preventable causes of death.




E. Bolotova

Kuban State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation


I. Samorodskaya

National Medical Research Center for Therapy and Preventive Medicine


A. Dudnikova

Kuban State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation



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