Search for an association of polymorphic markers of the genes coding antioxidative defense enzymes in menopausal women

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Objective: to study the association of the polymorphic markers the Ala(-9)Val and Arg213Gly genes of SOD2 and SOD3, the C1167T gene of the CAT with the rate of lipid peroxidation (LPO) from the end product malonic dialdehyde (MDA) in menopausal women. Setting: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Therapeutics with a Course for the Evening Faculty, Russian State Medical University, Russian Agency for Health Care; "GosNITgenetika" State Research Center of the Russian Federation, Moscow. Design: a prospective study. Subjects: 80 postmenopausal patients with early and medium-term climacteric disorders and 170 age-matched women without disorders who have a not less than З-year history of coronary heart disease. Methods: collection of history data, calculation of the Kuperman menopausal index, small pelvic ultrasound study, mammography, whole blood DNA isolation and polymerase chain reaction for the identification of alleles and genotypes, determination of serum MDA. Results: significant differences were found in the distribution of alleles and genotypes of the polymorphic markers of the C1167T gene of CAT and the Ala(-9) Val gene of SOD2 in these groups. The carriers of the allele of Gly and genotype the Gly/Gly gene of SOD3 had also an increased risk for oxidative stress and climacteric disorders. The elevated MDA concentrations that correlated with the homozygous genotypes of the study genes and significantly differed between the alleles and genotypes were measured in women with climacteric disorders. Conclusion: It can be suggested that there b an association of the catalase (CAT) genes of mitochondrial superoxide dismutase (COD2) with higher LPO rates with the oxidative stress being developed in women with the menopausal syndrome.

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