Eating behavior and reproductive problems in obese women

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One hundred and forty obese patients and 23 normal weight women were studied. The high rate of eating behavioral disorders (93.8%) and emotional-personality sphere abnormalities (58%) was revealed in reproductive age obese patients. External and limited eating behavioral disorders were predominant. The highest rate of menstrual and reproductive dysfunctions was observed with limited eating behavior (72.7 and 54.5%, respectively). The specific features of hormonal disorders were ascertained for different types of eating behavior. The highest values of immunoreactive insulin (IRI) and insulin resistance were seen in women with the external type, the patients with the limited type of eating behavior had statistically significantly higher values of IRI and leptin than those with the emotiogenic type; and lower ghrelin levels than in those with the external type. In obesity, a direct correlation was found between the serum content of leptin and the degree of limited eating behavior. The highest rate of reproductive disorders was revealed in the limited type eating behavior.


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