The fungicidal activity vitro of various systemic antimycotics Candida genus fungi in

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The paper comparatively analyzes the fungicidal activity of drugs containing fluconasole as an active ingredient on test strains of 3 yeast species of the Candida genus: C. albicans, C. parapsilosis, and C. glabrata in vitro. This was a double-blind study that used the original fluconasole-containing drug diflucan and its 5 generics. The yeasts were seeded in Saburo and peptone-glucose-yeast extract media. The well-diffusion method was used in the study. The drugs as capsules were tested in suspensions at 2 concentrations: 150 and 2 mg/ml. Intravenous diflucan served as a control. Experiments were thrice carried out in 15-fold replicas. The results were estimated from the yeast growth inhibition area (mm). Comparative study of the fluconasole-containing drugs revealed that diflucan showed the highest statistically significant fungicidal activity on all three model yeast strains when given at the maximum (150 mg/ml) and minimum (2 mg/ml) concentrations. The fungicidal activity of diflucan as a capsule (2 mg/ml) and as a liquid for intravenous injection (2 mg/ml) against both C. albicans and C. parapsilosis did not differ statistically significantly. C. albicans and C. parapsilosis turned out to be most susceptible to diflucan. The latter suppressed C. glabrata growth statistically more significantly than did other test fluconasole-containing drugs.


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