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The paper considers the issues of initial intensive therapy for septic shock in obstetrics. This protocol is based on the current guidelines of the leading Russian (the Russian Association of Surgical Infection Specialists) and foreign (SSC) organizations. The specific traits of a pregnant woman are discussed in relation to the infectious process, as well as the etiology and risk factors, the current diagnostic criteria for severe sepsis and septic shock are discussed. Attention is given to the fact that the systemic manifestations of the septic process are considerably ahead of the local manifestations of a uterine purulent process and that it is necessary to be oriented to the current markers and criteria when making a decision to sanitize a primary focus of infection. The present-day initial intensive care protocol for septic shock, which gives not only the currently available treatments, but also states the time of their performance, is presented. The basic principles in the reduction of maternal mortality associated with pyoseptic diseases are defined.

About the authors


Ural State Medical Academy, Yekaterinburg

Ural State Medical Academy, Yekaterinburg

A V Kulikov


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