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Objective. To evaluate the efficiency of combined use of a running magnetic field in a rehabilitation program for women after an exacerbation of chronic salpingo-oophoritis (CSO). Subjects and methods. Ninety-six women aged 19—32 years, who had been treated for CSO, were examined. The patients were divided into 3 groups. Group 1 (n=32) was treated with the standard regimen (antibiotics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, rheolytic agents). In addition to the standard treatment, Group 2 (n=32) ОБМЕН ОПЫТОМ received a course of local magnetic therapy in the projection of the ovaries with a running magnetic field, by using an AMO-ATOS-E apparatus. In Group 3 patients (n=32), local magnetic field exposure was interchanged with transcranial magnetic stimulation. The course consisted of 10—12 sessions. The intensity of pain syndrome, the time course of changes in complications, the rate of recurrences, and the hormonal profile were studied before and 36 months after therapy. Results. Group 3 showed better results for all the study indicators. In this group there were reductions in pain intensity by more than twice, the rate of an abnormal ovarian and menstrual cycle by 2.5 times, dysmenorrhea by 3.5 times, and polymenorrhea by 4 times, as compared to Group 1 (a control group). Functional ovarian cysts were not revealed in Group 3 patients. According to the phase of a cycle, the levels of luteinizing andfollicle-stimulating hormones increased by 30-50% of the baseline values. The concentration of estradiol decreased by 25-26% and that of progesterone increased by 33.2% versus 9.2% in the control. During a 12-month follow-up, the rate of recurrent CSO exacerbations was 2.06±0.02 in Group 3 versus 4.4±1.05 in the control. Reproductive function improved after treatment. Conclusion. The high eff iciency of combined exposure to the magnetic f ield both in the projection of the ovaries and transcranially is associated with the normalization of pituitary-ovarian ratios and allows one to recommend transcranial magnetic therapy in the rehabilitation program for women with small pelvic inflammatory diseases and reproductive dysfunction.

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V.I. Razumovsky Saratov State Medical University



Regional Hospital for War Veterans


OOO «TRIMA», Saratov


Regional Hospital for War Veterans


V.I. Razumovsky Saratov State Medical University


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