Dysmenorrhea: The present views of etiopathogenesis and therapy in the practice of an obstetrician/gynecologist

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Dysmenorrhea is one of the most important problems not only from medical, but also social point of view. The paper describes the main forms of dysmenorrhea and the current concepts of its pathology and pathogenesis. It highlights the importance of pharmacotherapy as the key principle of treatment. The major drugs of choice for dysmenorrhea treatment and factors for its individualization are given in relation to the found features of the female body. The data of clinical trials of phosphodiesterase IV inhibitors are analyzed, which show the efficacy and safety of this drug group for the combination therapy of primary dysmenorrhea, particularly when the latter is concurrent with gastrointestinal and biliary abnormalities.

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About the authors

Eliso Murmanovna Dzhobava

N.I. Pirogov National Research Medical University

Email: lis9@rambler.ru
assistant of obstetrics and gynecology department, medical faculty № 2

Kermen Borisovna Loginova


Email: kermenl@yandex.ru
Phd, doctor consultant obstetrics-gynecologist; Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology RSMU.


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