Experience in ultrasound detection of placental separation

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Aim. To investigate the prospects of using ultrasound imaging to detect placental separation. Materials and methods. The study prospectively analyzed the time of placental separation and total blood loss, depending on the method of detecting placental separation. The dynamic uterine ultrasound examination in the third stage of labor was considered a promising technique that objectively reflects the placenta complete separation. Results. The length of the third stage of labor was 12.0 (11.4; 12.5) and 9.0 (8.7; 9.8) minutes when the placental separation was identified by the standard and ultrasound assessment, respectively. Blood loss was 60.0(55.8; 61.2) ml higher when the placental separation was assessed by standard signs compared with ultrasound examination. Conclusion. The study findings confirmed the feasibility of using ultrasound imaging to detect placental separation, which reduces total blood loss and length of the third stage of labor.

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About the authors

Viktor A. Mudrov

Chita State Medical Academy, Ministry of Health of Russia

Email: mudrov_viktor@mail.ru
Ph.D., Associate Professor at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry


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