Complex pregravid preparation of women with habitual miscarriage in the presence of chronic cervitis


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The authors provide evidence for the expediency of magnetic laser therapy by the abdominal cervical procedure in combination with therapy by using a cervical vibroaspirator (VATs-01) in women with habitual miscarriage (HM) in the presence of Chlamydia cervitis. Ninety-eight 22-to-36-year-old women with HM whose urethral and/or cervical curettage specimens contained C. trachomatis were examined. Addition of magnetic laser therapy by the abdominal cervical procedure simultaneously with cervical electrophoresis with chymotrypsin and dimexide after cervical vibromassage and vacuum aspiration allows the body's immunity to be enhanced both as a whole and in the urogenital system. Complex therapy by the updated scheme could increase the rate of pregnancies with a good outcome by 16.3% as compared with a control group. The use of an AMUS-01 "INTRAMAG" apparatus with a VATs-01 attachment and a LAST-02" apparatus in the complex treatment of women with HM of infectious and inflammatory etiology is effective, without causing adverse reactions.

Sobre autores

I Salov

Saratov State Medical University

Saratov State Medical University

N Khvorostukhina

Saratov State Medical University

Saratov State Medical University

T Bin'yash

"Mys Vidnyi" Sanatorium, RZhD, Sochi

"Mys Vidnyi" Sanatorium, RZhD, Sochi

A Gulyaev

"Mys Vidnyi" Sanatorium, RZhD, Sochi

"Mys Vidnyi" Sanatorium, RZhD, Sochi

Yu Raigorodsky

OOO "TRIMA", Saratov

OOO "TRIMA", Saratov


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