Current morphological classification of damages to the placenta


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Objective. Analyze the current morphological classification and characteristics of major damages to the placenta. Subject and methods. The paper presents the data available in the literature on the international morphological classification of placental damages, designed by the Amsterdam Placenta Working Group (2014). Results. According to this classification, all placental changes are merged into 3 groups: vascular, inflammatory, and so-called other disorders. Vascular disorders are divided into two subgroups: maternal and fetal ones that are in turn subdivided into developmental, perfusion, and vascular integrity impairments. Inflammatory lesions are also divided into two groups: inflammatory-infectious and immune (idiopathic) ones. The group of other damages to the placenta includes abnormalities of placentation, placental shapes, and umbilical cord attachment. Conclusion. The main task of the morphological classification is noticed to make a consensus on the definition and characterization of major placental damages for their practical introduction in order to clarify the clinical significance and to develop targeted exposures. The current terminology of the placenta and its structures, which is given as a Russian-language version of the International Embryological Terminology, is also presented. The specific features of taking placental tissue samples for further histological examination are indicated.

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Alexander Shchegolev

Research Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Perinatology, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

doctor of medical science, professor, head of department for pathological anatomy


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