Genital prolapse: Genetic aspects


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Objective. To analyze the currently available literature data on investigations identifying the genetic predictors of genital prolapse. Material and methods. A systematic review of the published literature on the genetic epidemiology of genital prolapse was carried out. Results. The analysis of the data available in the literature has shown that a change in the expression of a number of genes, as well as some genetic polymorphisms and hereditary diseases associated with connective tissue malformation increase the risk of genital prolapse. However, genital prolapse develops in 50% of women whose genetic predisposition is unknown. Conclusion. Identification of a group at risk for genital prolapse is relevant in practical medicine, which may be favored by further investigations detecting the markers of connective tissue and smooth muscle abnormalities, including those using molecular genetic methods that can estimate changes at the level of exome, genome, and transcriptome.

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Sobre autores

Yana Plieva

Research Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Perinatology

post-graduate department of operative gynecology

Marina Bobkova

Research Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Perinatology

MD, Operativa Gynecology Department

Elena Baranova

Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

MD, PhD, Junior member of teaching (assistant), Department of the medical genetics


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