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Objective. To present and analyze current scientific evidence on whether isthmicocervical insufficiency in fetal bladder prolapse may be surgically corrected. Material and methods. The literature sources published in the databases Medline, Pubmed, etc. were sought. The review included the data of foreign and Russian papers published mainly in the past 10 years and found on this topic. Results. An analysis of the available scientific evidence has established that emergency cerclage in pregnant women with isthmicocervical insufficiency and fetal bladder prolapse may contribute to pregnancy prolongation and improve perinatal outcome. Additional methods, such tight bladder filling, intracervical administration of a Foley catheter, and amniocentesis, improve the results of cervical cerclage. Conclusion. Recent studies show that emergency cerclage in conjunction with the use of tocolytics and glucocorticoids significantly increases the chances of neonatal survival as compared to the previous opinion.

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V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University

Email: tchai@yandex.ru
M.D., prof., Head of the Department of Perinatology, Obstetrics, and Gynecology Krasnoyarsk 660022, P. Geleznyaka str. 1, Russia


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