Experience in using ERA-test for diagnosis of endometrial receptivity in frozen embryo transfers in patients with endometriosis


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Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of personalized embryo transfer taking into account the results of the ERA-test in cryopreservation protocols in patients with extragenital endometriosis. Materials and methods: The prospective study included 20 patients with extragenital endometriosis which was confirmed histologically and 42 patients with tubal and/or male factors of infertility. The time of optimal endometrial receptivity was determined using the ERA-test. We carried out a comparative assessment of the rate of displaced implantation windows in two groups and the rate of clinical pregnancy after personalized embryo transfer taking into account the results of the ERA-test. Results: The rate of displacement of the implantation window in the patients with a verified diagnosis of extragenital endometriosis was 55.0% compared to 28.5% in the control group (p=0.01). After the personalized embryo transfer with the analysis of individual variations in the timing of the implantation window, the rate of clinical pregnancy in patients with endometriosis was 63.2% and it did not significantly differ from this indicator in the control group (69.4%). Conclusion: Due to the high rate of displaced implantation windows in patients with extragenital endometriosis, the ERA-test may be recommended as a standard practice for preparing for embryo transfer in a cryopreservation protocol. According to the results of the ERA-test, personalized embryo transfer contributes to an increase in the pregnancy rate in this group of patients.

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Sobre autores

Nora Maeva

Tula State University, Medical Institute; VITROMED LLC

Email: dr.maeva@yandex.ru

Sergey Khabarov

Tula State University, Medical Institute; Federal Scientific and Clinical Center for Specialized Medical Assistance and Medical Technologies of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency, Academy of Postgraduate Education; VITROMED LLC

Email: s.v.habarov@mail.ru
Dr. Med. Sci., Merited Doctor of the Russian Federation, Professor at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Medical Institute


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